Viagra Experiment Triggers Death 11 Baby


RAKYATKU.COM – Earlier this week, the University Medical Center of Amsterdam (UMC) announced an early clinical trial stop for the new use of pharmaceutical sildenafil after the death of 39, a newborn.

– is commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow. Encouraged by preliminary tests, doctors hope to use the same properties of vasodilation to stimulate placental growth.

"We want to show that it is effective in stimulating growth in infants," says researcher and gynecologist Wessel Ganzevoort in the Volkskrant daily "But the opposite has happened, I was shocked. last thing you want is to hurt the patient. "

Sildenafil works by blocking the enzymes that break down the messenger compounds The result is an increase in blood circulation, which not only helps manage erectile function, but also reduces the severity of symptoms of mountain diseases and treat pulmonary arterial hypertension.

Once it's no longer patented, the drug is studied by research companies as a miracle cure to be

An initially promising application was a way to dilate blood vessels in the placenta, which are very slow to develop, increasing the risk of prematurity and low birth weight

. Recent randomized clinical trials comparing drugs with placebo have not detected any adverse effects on healthy mothers or babies, giving everything to people. etc.

In fact, rumors of its potential have been built up over the years, with rumors that doctors advised pregnant women to take drugs.

"Foreign colleagues suggest that they – sometimes prescribed, with good results," said Ganzevoort, who is also cautious to show how doctors in the Netherlands are more cautious "

Exactly what that went wrong in this trial remains a mystery

In 2015, hospitals in the Netherlands recruited 183 women whose pregnancies were likely will be affected by the development of the placenta.Medium of the placebo was prescribed

Evaluation by independent councils examined more closely 19 deaths of newborns sent to mothers who had received the drug during their pregnancy.

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