(VIDEO) The recording of the kidnapping experience is over


TRIBUNMANADO.CO.ID – The social experiment on the kidnapping of children in Pakistan resulted in a disaster after the video was published.

Tribun-Video.com launches BBC via Nextshark Saturday (30/06/2018), in the video, two men were driving a motorcycle while driving a motorcycle. approaching children in the streets.

One of the two men then took a child and then drove quickly

Di the end of the video saw the two men return to the place where the children gather and make the kid qu & rsquo; They kidnapped.

They then unfurled a banner containing the message: "It took a moment to kidnap a child from the streets of Karachi., Red)."

However, the last part of the video was edited by people irresponsible causing panic.

The edited video is now viral in India and broadcast by WhatsApp message

Not only edited, appears j A message on the arrival of a number of 200 kidnappers in Bangalore.

The false news is then widespread causing panic and confusion.

The message says: "Kidnappers say the summer holidays are the best time, be careful and take care of your children."

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