VIRAL! Video King Sengon Ngaku Uangnya every day comes 16 containers, revealed Gini Fact


TRIBUN-TIMUR.COM – Video of a man who has been named King Sengon medium viral on social media.

In the video has uploaded a number of Youtube channels and distributed to social media, such as Islam Peace 212 man looks named the original Wahyu Widodo is interviewed by a man named Fery.

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"The success of the conquest of purple is easy: first, the love of the keys of the car. (19659002) The revelation claimed to have conquered girls all over the archipelago.

Reported from, he also recognized the nickname of King Sawer addressed to him because according to him the money

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"Every day come 16 containers. "He is escorted by a tuit, a tuit, a tuit," he said.

As for the nickname of King Sengon, he recognizes the beginning of his trade is a sengon businessman [19659011] "If my money is a lot of pantes. Otherwise, go to the purel pantes. That's why all purles want to know me, "he says.

Though many pursue him, he claims that he does not like anyone who loves him with heart [19659013] (function (d, s, id) {
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