Visit to China, United Kingdom Foreign Minister makes fatal mistake


British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt's first foreign visit abroad since his appointment

The new British Foreign Minister, Jeremy Hunt, made the announcement. mistake of his first visit abroad on Monday (30/7) local time. Hunt called his Chinese wife "Japanese".

Acknowledging his mistake, he mentioned that it was a fatal mistake. "My wife is Japanese … my wife is Chinese, my remarks are a very bad mistake," she told Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, quoted by DW on Monday (30/7).

He added that his wife was of Chinese origin. his children are half Chinese. He also claimed to have grandparents who are ethnic Chinese living in Xian and have strong relations with families in China.

The error of Hunt was judged because he had worked as an English teacher in Japan for two years. He also speaks Japanese fluently.

Hunt replaces Boris Johnson, formerly Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom. Johnson resigned on the design of Brexit Premier Theresa May.

Chinese and Japanese relations are known to heat in the midst of the conflict in the East China Sea. Beijing recently accused Japan of disrupting regional stability by cooperating with the United States on defense.

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