Walking 32 km at work place, new employees can boss car


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Walter Carr cried shortly after his boss introduced him to a car.

A business owner in the United States gave a car to one of his employees who traveled 32 kilometers on the first day of work.

The story begins when Walter Carr is about to leave for a home in the suburbs of Birmingham, in the state of Alabama, to work as an employee of a business of mobile services

. The second distance from the site reaches 32 kilometers.

The story of Carr's journey is broadcast by Jenny Lamey via Facebook. Jenny and her husband are clients of moving service companies where Carr works.

In notes uploaded on social media, Jenny said that she and her husband got up by accident early on Friday (13/7) to greet people who will help them get around.

According to the plan, they arrived at 8:00

However, at 6:30, the bell of Jenny's house rang. When the door opened, Carr was accompanied by a local police officer.

"The policeman told us that he had brought this" good boy "to Pelham early in the morning," Jenny wrote.

"That good boy, Walter, said that he would help us move today."

"He walks all night from Homewood to Pelham because he has to get to work, for those of you who are reading this and not the people here, he is more than 30 kilometers away" he explains. . Then they took him to a car, having breakfast, and hearing his story, drove Carr to work.

Jenny Lamey claimed to offer Carr a break before her clbadmates came. However, Carr refused and immediately worked. According to Jenny, Carr recounted her childhood in New Orleans, Louisiana and how her family moved to Houston, Texas, after Hurricane Katrina destroyed their home

. Jenny writes, "I can not imagine how many times during this trip … in the middle of the night, he wants to go back and how many times he thinks the trip is an idea. good. "

" But he kept climbing here! I was really surprised by this young man! Jenny said.

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"Is this serious?" Carr asked his boss.

Car Gifts

The Jenny show apparently reached Luke Marklin, founder of a moving services company, Bellhops. He drove from Tennessee to meet his new employee.

After discussing coffee, Marklin handed over his car keys, the 2014 Ford Escape, to Carr

"Honestly, I was fascinated by him, all he did that day -here – sincere and difficult, "said Marklin.

When Marklin handed over his car keys, Carr's face seemed surprised. "Is it serious?"

A few seconds later, Carr kissed his boss and received the keys to the car

Separately, the citizens raised money to help Carr repair his damaged car. The rally reached more than 8,000 US dollars (115 million rupees) before closing.

Law on Photography

Carr is determined to graduate from college in health sciences in December.

He hopes to join the US Marines and then return to Birmingham to study physiotherapy.

Monday (16/7), he admitted that he had a chance to work alone was grateful

"This is the first job I am after such a long time," he said AL.com

"I want to show them that I have dedication, I say that I will get this work somehow," he added. "I want people to know – no matter what the challenge, you can take up the challenge. Nothing is impossible unless you make it impossible. "

Moments after Carr took the car, Jenny Lamey hugged her:

Change our whole life, Walter. You do not know how many lives you change and inhale.

"You are a special young man and you will do great things, you have done it."

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