Walking in front of the Queen of England, Trump criticized


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – President Donald Trump was again bombarded with critics during his trip to England, this time for walking in front of Queen Elizabeth at a welcoming ceremony at Windsor Palace

Sattar journalist Saeedi published a video on the incident.

In the video, Trump was first seen walking side by side with Queen Elizabeth.

But while he was turning to the front of the army, Elizabeth seemed to be giving directions to Trump where to walk. Trump then pbades in front of Elizabeth.

Elizabeth also seems confused determine her steps behind the US President, while Trump seeks to look left in search of the Queen. Elizabeth finally sets her pace and walks right alongside Trump. [Gambas:Twitter]

Shortly after downloading the video, Twitter users also commented, including the host of one of the Scottish television channels, Halla Mohieddeen

. TRUMP just WALK FORWARD OFFICK?!?!?! "wrote Mohieddeen via his personal Twitter account.

Writer Simon Ricketts also criticized Trump by writing," It's cute. "The queen seems to coach one of her dogs while Trump tries to learn the art of walking. " [Gambas:Twitter]

A number of British online media, such as the Express and the Daily Mail , call Trump violating the court's protocol by walking in front of the queen

The royal commentator, Richard Fitzwilliams, says that Trump's position before the queen did not violate the protocol. "That proves that it (Trump) he does not want to practice because he thinks he does not need it, "said Fitzwilliams to CNN

Trump's visit to Britain is indeed at the same time. honor even before the president

Arriving in England, Trump was greeted by a mbadive mbad rejection of hundreds of thousands of Britons q who hated American politics.

Trump is also the subject of jokes for criticizing Prime Minister Theresa May for her approach to overcoming Brexit's crisis.

Seeing all this refusal, Trump himself admits to feeling his presence in London is undesirable. (has)

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