Want a white face? Try the milk sweetened milk


  Sweetened Condensed Milk

Sweetened Condensed Milk (Photo: Thinkstock )

Having a white and delicate face is the dream of most women. Various ways of doing, ranging from routine use a mask to make a white injection. But do you know? This food in your refrigerator can also be useful for facials and skin care.

For example, sweetened condensed milk or also known as canned milk. Impressed a little nyeleneh, seemingly sweetened condensed milk, you can also use to whiten and brighten your face as you know it. With a very affordable price, sweetened condensed milk you can easily use as a mask material.

  Illustration of sweetened condensed milk mask

Illustration of sweetened condensed milk mask (Photo: dok.freepik.com )

The trick is simply to apply a sweetened condensed milk on a previously cleaned face first. Apply evenly sweetened condensed milk over the entire surface of the face and wait until it dries, about 15 minutes.

To be easy to clean, prepare a hot towel and wash to cope. Do it several times until the sweetened condensed milk mask does not stick to the face anymore. To close the pores of the face, rinse with a towel soaked in cold water.

This sweetened condensed milk mask can be used once a week for maximum results. In addition to beneficial for lightening the skin, the mask of sweet condensed milk is also supposed to disguise dark circles on the bottom of the eye.

  Sweetened condensed milk

This "panda-eye" disease is common to women and is often difficult to remove. You can try regularly using a sweetened condensed milk mask. The trick is quite simple, namely to wash sweetened condensed milk using cotton at the bottom of your eyes. Leave 15 minutes and rinse with water.

The other types of condensed milk masks soften many other benefits, such as the cleansing of oily skin, the elimination of black spots on the face, the tightening of the skin and the treatment of nails. Well, it never hurts to try a cheap sweetened condensed milk mask.

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