Want longevity, eat sea fish often


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Suara.com – Longevity and youth of course, the dream of all. Want longevity and youth, increase the consumption of marine fish from now on.

As we age, it seems that everyone is experiencing signs of aging, such as the appearance of fine lines on the face, a skin that begins to wrinkle at the risk of degenerative diseases.

The good news is that this symptom of aging can be slowed down by the everyday diet. A recent study published in the British Medical Journal shows that seafood consumption can help us live long lives and look young in terms of appearance and function of internal organs.

To obtain these results, the researchers badyzed the eating habits of 2,662 retirees over the 22 years of the study period. They were also asked to do blood tests to check the levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood.

As a result, respondents whose blood was composed of omega-3 fatty acids were 24% less likely to contract various chronic or age-related mental disorders than others.

Omega-3 fatty acids are themselves abundant in marine fish. According to the researchers, this content plays a role in the prevention of cancer, dementia and heart disease closely related to aging.

Omega-3 fatty acids also play a role in maintaining a healthy skin so that it is wetter and younger. The principal investigator of the study, dr. Heidi Lai said that public opinion on longevity now tended to focus on healthy aging.

"With the growth of the elderly population, the sense of longevity is changing, people wanting to age more healthy," said Lai.

As we know, the prevalence of chronic diseases in the elderly is quite high. Stroke, heart disease and dementia are among the most common diseases in the elderly. The NHS itself recommends that people eat two servings of fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids for a week, including salmon.

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