Waste plastic fuel not suitable for 4-Tak engine


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Fuel oil (BBM) from plastic waste developed by the environmental organization of plastic traction movement (Get plastic), apparently not yet suitable for motorcycles 4 -Tak.

Get Plastic Member, Dimas Bagus Widjanarko claims to have tested using Premium Plastic Waste Treatment for 4-Tak motorcycles. The result is a strong trail

Premium processed from plastic waste is known to have only the octane number 82, or lower than the octane index Pertamina Premium reaches 88

Read also: Porter Vespa Fuel Plastic Oil, This man is ready to explore Java-Bali

"Maybe because the octane level is low, so the sweater if used on the 4-step heavy engine, "says Dimas says Kompas.com Tuesday (26 /6/2018).

Vespa former used Dimas on tour Jakarta-Bali with plastic waste [19659007] Dimas Bagus WIdjanarko </span> The old Vespa used by Dimas en route Jakarta-Bali with worn plastic </div>
<p>  Different conditions called Dimas do not apply to the 2-Tak engine, for example as the Vespa Super in 1977 that he used for sightseeing in Jakarta-Bali. </p>
<p>  When tested at his Vespa, Dimas called the engine traction was not too </p>
<p><!-- (ads.paralax) --></p>
<p>  Obviously, Dimas can still travel thousands of kilometers. Until now, it would have been in Banyuwangi </p>
<p>  <strong> Read also: It takes hundreds of kilograms of plastic waste to visit Jakarta-Bali </strong></p>
<div id=  Get Plastic Series 7, plastic waste processing machine in Fuel discoveries of Dimas Agus Wijanarko. KOMPAS.com/DENDI RAMDHANI Get Plastic Series 7, a plastic waste processing machine to fuel the conclusions of Dimas Agus Wijanarko

In order to continue the mission to overcome the problem of plastic waste, Dimas says that to date he continues to develop oil processing equipment, so that later he can produce a fuel with an octane level at least equivalent to Premium Pertamina

The goal is that the tool is useful for anyone who is now using more motor.

To read also: If all the inhabitants of this place have this tool, the problems of fuel and waste can be overcome

"If the tool is a sophisticated fuel that has plastic waste can be at least RON 88, "said Dimas.

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