Watermelon skin was able to treat acne, that's the explanation


Brilio.net – Your face is acne? Do not worry, students of Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto, members of the Faculty of Pharmacy's Student Creativity Program Team (PKM-PE), create a watermelon-based acne gel [19659002] "Watermelon is a plant that can defeat acne. Said Yola Anggraeni, president of the PKM-PE student group, in Purwokerto, Banyumas, Central Java, Thursday, July 19.

"Who thought that the skin of the white watermelon was a waste, but apparently, the skin of the interior of this watermelon has a lot of nutritional content," added Antara quoted.

Relative to this, he and his two colleagues, Tika Ambarwati and Irmas Miranti conducted research to make an antijerawat gel using watermelon skin waste with the guidance of Erza Genatrika, a professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the United States. UMP

. (Citrullus lanatus) has an active compound that can function as an antibacterial terpenoid.

"This terpenoid contains lycopene compounds of carotenoid groups, and lycopene is supposed to have a better job than antioxidants," he concluded. /fen)

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