What happens if athletes perform a Keto diet?


KOMPAS.com – Diet Keto is one of the diets that are popular today because of its effect that can lose weight quickly. There is even research that suggests that this diet can improve the performance of athletes or athletes.

But is this true and there is a lot of scientific evidence to support the results of this study? Then, how does keto diet for people who have a high schedule of exercise, such as athletes?

Keto diet is a food arrangement that is done by eating very little carbohydrate, but a high and adequate amount of protein. This diet will force the body to replace the commonly used fuels of sugar (carbohydrates) with fat.

The theory is keto diet, if we do not consume carbohydrates (or just a little), the body will burn fat and we lose fat quickly

See also: 6 Things that happen to the body during a ketogenic diet

Low carb diets typically consume less than 30% of the carbohydrate energy, while 5% of the keto energy comes from carbohydrates. The rest is dominated by 75 percent fat and 20 percent protein in moderation.

The average person on a low-carb diet consumes only 50-150 grams of carbohydrate a day. While athletes who consume carbohydrates can consume an average of 200 grams per day.

However, people with a keto diet will significantly limit carbohydrates to 30-50 grams per day with a combination of high fat.

different from one person to the other. Some are easy to adapt to changes in the use of fats as energy, some experience difficulties.

Therefore, a good adaptation is necessary depending on the body's ability to adapt to fats.

What is the effect of the keto diet? What is useful?

  Athlete race illustration Pixland Athlete race illustration

The effects of the keto diet can vary. Keto diet can be an option for healthy people who have a high exercise routine. However, there is currently no strong evidence that those on the keto diet are still performing better than people on a high carbohydrate diet.

Keto-diets can help athletes control their weight, reduce their body fat and maintain muscle mbad.

Endurance athletes who engage in sports activities can adapt to diets low in carbohydrates like keto. how to burn fat more effectively

Despite having a positive effect, but fat can not produce enough energy to meet the muscular energy needs of athletes, as it is usually the case for sugar. Another positive thing about low carb diets such as keto can cause the body to burn more fat, thus helping the body to retain energy stores (muscle glycogen) during exercise.

Read also: What makes me powerful: The Keto diet or the low fat diet?

One could say that the energy reserves do not exhaust quickly by making the keto diet. In other words, diets low in carbohydrates like keto can help prevent fatigue during prolonged exercise.

On the Healthline page, people who follow the ketogenic diet experience less fatigue during low intensity cycles. burn, and leave more energy savings.

But the positive effects of the keto diet are not found in all types of exercises. The impact is most often seen in low-intensity exercises and long-lasting workouts.

Although the influence of the ketone diet in athletes who exercise or exercise high intensity in less than two hours is not significant. For example, as the sprint exercise that requires a high intensity for a short time

  The illustration of the keto diet ThitareeSarmkasat The illustration of the keto diet

] Until now, no studies have shown this low carb diet like keto is best for high intensity sports, and sports that require high muscle strength. Because in this sport, the role of carbohydrates is necessary.

Carbohydrates are needed during exercise for:

  • Helps restore muscles after exercise. If the recovery phase is not performed optimally, the following performance may further decrease
  • Reduce muscle fractionation. Carbohydrates and insulin help to maintain more optimal muscle mbad and to form many muscle fibers.
  • Improves nerve capacity. Carbohydrates also play an important role in increasing fatigue resistance and improving mental focus during exercise
  • Provide fuel. Carbohydrates have an important role in the energy system as a major energy producer

Although necessary, this does not mean that you should follow a high carbohydrate diet and leave the diet keto or d & # 39; other diets low in carbohydrates. All the nutrients needed to produce good performance

So, the most important thing is not to ignore a particular nutrient to maximize the performance of the sport. Keep balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in order to get the best sports performance.

Read also: How to determine the right diet?

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