KOMPAS.com – Those who pay attention to weight, often have to wonder, which is a powerful diet to lose weight. Well, one type of diet that has recently received a special spotlight is the keto diet.
Keto diet is actually high in fat is also finally compared to other diets that is low fat diet. So, between the two, what kind of diet is powerful for losing weight?
Know the low-fat diet
As the name suggests, a low-fat diet is a diet with a limited amount of fat. One of the reasons people follow this diet is to help reduce caloric intake of fats and generally to improve blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
By default, body fats reach 20 to 35% of total calories per day. How to determine the right diet?
According to the Ministry of Health, the requirement of a low-fat diet and cholesterol is to limit fat to less than 30% of the total energy per day .
However, in addition to limiting the amount of fat alone, the selection of any type of fat should be considered. Good fat foods are strongly recommended, while foods containing bad fats should be reduced. Another requirement is fiber consumption in one day should be more than 25 grams per day.
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Fat provides a higher number of calories than carbohydrates or proteins.
Each gram of fat contains 9 calories, while each gram of protein and 1 gram of carbohydrate contains 4 calories each.
That is why limiting fats can reduce the number of other calories. (19659008) The illustration of the flesh
The ketogenic diet (in short the keto diet) is not really a diet that new, this diet is primarily aimed at people with epilepsy, but now the ketogenic diet is becoming very famous for weight loss.
Keto Diet is a diet low in carbohydrates and high in fat. Even carbohydrate intake can only represent 5% of total needs per day, while fat intake can reach 65 to 75%. The rest can be filled with protein.
It is also said that this diet works to lose weight quickly. However, this diet has side effects, especially in the early stages.
See also: 6 Things that happen to the body when carrying out ketogenic diets
Drastic reduction in carbohydrates will make the body change its process of using energy naturally. When the keto diet, the body will lack carbohydrates favored by the body's cells as the main source of energy.
High fat causes the body to release a lot of ketones into the blood to break down fat (so it can be used as a source of energy). Due to lack of glucose, the body inevitably uses ketones as energy for the body's cells.
The shift from the use of sugar carbohydrates to ketone bodies aims to destroy body fat as a source of energy. The process of moving this source of energy makes the keto diet have side effects that could harm the body.
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Lisa Cimperman, RDN, Nutritionist at University Case The Cleveland Medical Center in Ohio and the spokesperson of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics have stated that when the body enters the process of ketosis (the use of ketones as energy for the body), it begins to lose muscle mbad. The severity of the effect on each person may also vary.
Reported on the Healthline page, a French nutritionist in the United States, Francie Blinten, said the keto diet can be used under clinical supervision for a short period of time.
This diet is also allowed for people who have extreme cases consuming a very high amount of carbohydrates. Note, it should always be under the supervision of a nutritionist or a doctor. This condition can interfere with the function of the heart and muscles, instead of losing weight.
So which diet is powerful but safe for me?
It all depends on each consideration. These two diets can help you lose weight. However, if there is a safer way, why change the natural process of using unnecessary energy in the body?
The most important thing in weight loss is that it is safe for long periods of time and that weight loss is done gradually.
The ketogenic diet may indeed be an alternative to weight loss. Unfortunately, this diet has side effects to consider so we should consult a nutritionist and a doctor.
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Source of information: Harvard Medical Page The School, l & # 39; One of the main criticisms of the keto diet is to limit carbohydrates to the extreme, many people consume too much protein and poor quality fats from processed foods (eg corned beef and sausage) with very little fruit and vegetables. seems safer and without side effects. However, we must also comply with the requirements of a low fat diet is reliable. A low fat diet does not mean excessive fat loss in foods to lose weight.
To determine a powerful but safe diet for the body, we must first recognize the state of the body and define its purpose. After that, you can choose a type of powerful diet. Well, for that, we may need the help of a nutritionist or a doctor. Do not hesitate to consult an expert in his field, for a healthier body and a more confident mind.