Which banana is better according to science, ripe or raw?


KOMPAS.com – In tropical countries like Indonesia, it is very easy to find bananas. Some people prefer ripe bananas, but some like raw bananas. Among the maturity levels of bananas, in reality, the benefits are different.

In Instagram photo install @fitness_meals, shows a circle organized by 15 bananas with different levels of maturity. Banana number one is the rawest banana and banana number 15 is the most mature.

In the description of the photo, it says: "Which banana tree is your choice, I choose between 5 and 6", wrote the administrator of the account

Indeed, Instagram followers have immediately commented and given the opinion of which banana they prefer. Most choose bananas from 8 to 10, but some also choose bananas number four to seven.

So, what level of banana maturity is the best according to nutritionists?

See also: Do ​​not Throw, Bunches "Bananas are a good source of potbadium and nutrients for the body, indeed, each level of maturity of the banana has different benefits depending on the health of the body "Says a dietician and nutritionist. United Kingdom in Daily Mail Insider Monday (9/7/2018).

A person with diabetes is advised to consume immature bananas rather than blackberries. When bananas are ripe, the starch turns into sugar.

"Research shows that in immature bananas, about 80 to 90% die of carbohydrates, whereas when the bananas are ripe, the starch turns into sugar". "It is therefore advisable for diabetics to eat a banana that is not too ripe so that blood sugar levels do not increase," he adds.

Overcooked bananas are digested more easily

Maturity is the right choice for those who have difficulty digesting food. Its soft texture makes bananas easy to digest.

"When starches turn into sugar, bananas ripen," says Lambert.

The banana is brown and flabby rich in antioxidants

An article published by the Spoon University says, when bananas are almost completely brown, all the starches have been broken into sugar. This is what makes the taste softer and the chlorophyll has taken on a new shape.

"The decomposition of chlorophyll is the reason why antioxidant levels increase with the maturation of bananas," writes the article


Read also: Believe, it's the appearance of bananas before humans are planted

So, what banana is good?

In the end, this question only You can answer it. You can choose any type of banana according to individual needs.

Lambert adds that the nutrient content in bananas does not change even if the level of maturity is different.

The only thing that changes is the taste and how the body processes sugar. function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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