WHO Defines, Addiction Sex Categorized Mental Illness!


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When we lose one that we love, our most bitter tears are called by the memory of the hours when we have not loved enough.


Vemale.com – Having badual arousal is a natural thing for everyone. It is a biological desire that naturally encourages people to reproduce or multiply. But of course, bad is not the subject of public discussion. But there is a lot to know about bad, including badual addiction.

Someone will experience pleasure when he reaches badual satisfaction where the hormone oxytocin will be released to help reduce stress and make the body relaxed and happy. Unfortunately, compulsive badual behavior or badual addiction is precisely a condition that is clbadified as a mental illness. According to the New York Post WHO states that badual addiction is on the list of mental illnesses after falling into the same category as gambling addiction.

"C & # Is a behavior that tends to be hidden Sex addicts are often invisible, "says Dr. Valerie Voon of the Royal College of Psychiatrists

Addiction is a mental illness / copyright Shutterstock.com

Incorporating Addiction Sexuality as a mental illness, patients can be more honest and open The WHO describes compulsive badual behavior as a model of failure in the control of an intense, repetitive or repulsive badual drive resulting in behaviors Repeated Sex

The symptoms of badual addiction can be seen when the person makes badual activity a priority and a priority dup. Surely, it is dangerous for the victim and those surrounding him ladies.

Source: Liputan6.com

(vem / feb)

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