With a view to the revocation of the emergency law, Turkey has dismissed 18 thousand employees


Most of the dismissed are members of the armed forces

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, ANKARA – Turkey has issued a dismissal decision for more than 18 thousand officials before the lifting of the emergency law on Sunday (8/7). Most of the employees were fired from the police. The emergency law came into force two years after the coup attempt in July 2016.

The decision came shortly after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan won the elections on the month last before being officially renamed Monday. Among the graduates were 199 scientists from various universities in Turkey and more than 5,000 members of the armed forces.

Previously, Turkish officials had sacked about 160,000 civil servants since the coup of a military state coup two years ago. March Of those arrested, more than 50,000 have been formally prosecuted and must remain in prison.

The West has criticized this harsh policy. In addition, opponents of Erdogan accused him of having used a coup failure as an excuse to extinguish his opponent's vote, while the government denied it saying it was was necessary to combat the threats to national security. )
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