Working too old can increase the risk of diabetes in women


RAKYATKU.COM – Working at least 45 hours a week may increase the risk of diabetes in women, according to the study. In the study, researchers badyzed medical survey data and medical records of 7,065 Canadian workers aged 35 to 74 from 2003 to 2015.

The research team was grouped participants into four groups, from 15 to 34 hours 40 hours, 41 to 44 hours and 45 hours or more. Variables include age, gender, ethnicity, where they were born, lifestyle and also BMI. Other factors, such as the fact that the participant is a family or a relative and chronic health problems, are also taken into account.

For workers, the nature of their work is also evaluated, for example, if they work shifts, how many weeks the participants work in the last 12 weeks, and whether their work is active or inactive.

10 participants developed type 2 diabetes. Men, the elderly and the obese were more likely to be diagnosed with the disease.

Interestingly, when the results were separated by bad, the researchers found that the longer a man worked a long time, but the opposite effect is observed in women.

Among women who work 45 hours or more per week, their risk of diabetes is 63% higher than those who work between 35 and 40 hours. Even taking into account lifestyle factors such as smoking, level of physical activity, BMI and alcohol consumption, the risk is slightly reduced.

However, researchers point out that their research is observational. But the team thinks this can happen because women generally badume greater responsibility in family life in addition to professional work, and also perform more household chores. All of this can trigger a chronic stress reaction in the body that can lead to insulin resistance and diabetes.

These results are published in the journal BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care

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