Xpander Price Increase Effective August 1 – Sumatera Express


JAKARTA – The downward trend of the rupee against the US dollar in recent months has affected the selling price of automotive products, including Mitsubishi vehicles, namely Xpander. On 1 August, PT Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha (MMKSI) decided to raise the price of Xpander around 2 million Rp.

MMMI Imam Choirul Yahya, head of sales and marketing, revealed that the rise in prices did not can be dissociated. (19659002) The number of components in Mitsubishi is still imported by 65% ​​of the local use of components, so it is still related to foreign currency transactions.

The increase in the selling price of automotive products is not only achieved by Mitsubishi, but also by another agent holding the mark (APM). The anticipation strategy continues to be prepared by APM in relation to current exchange rate fluctuations. (mg8 / jpnn)

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