Yamaha launches the latest X-Ride 125, price increase


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing (YIMM) officially launched the latest generation X-Ride 125.

Dyonisius Beti, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of PT YIMM, said that the X-Ride can now be used in the off-road (19459006) "The youth of the time now want to be different, want to see the Motor slang, and want to have an expensive engine, so we launched this X-Ride to meet the needs of consumers, "said Dyon at the Jakarta Fair Kemayoran Arena, Saturday, June 30, 2016. [19659003] New features are pinned, the Answer Back system, to know the position of the engine parking by pressing the button on the remote control to the lock.

Read also: Rising prices, Yamaha Optimistic with X-Ride 125

In appearance, in addition to having a novel graphic water was also equipped flat seat, bare handlebars ] and modern lighthouse . Even the lighting system already uses Day Running Light (DRL).

  Yamaha X-Ride latest generation KOMPAS.com / Aditya Maulana Yamaha X-Ride latest generation

Use of front tires (80 / 80-14M / C 43AP Tubeless) and rear (100 / 70-14M / C 51P Tubeless). Equipped also with sub-tank rear suspension .

As for prices, Dyon went on sale for Rp 17,650,000 on the route DKI Jakarta or up around Rp 250,000. Targeted, it should reach 100,000 units a year

"This is what we present on this latest X-Ride and we expect it to meet the needs of the youngest consumer of youth, "said Dyon. ->
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