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KABAR.NEWS – A healthy body is the desire of a number of people. There are many ways to make a healthy body.
Among those with regular exercise and the consumption of healthy food. However, these two means are considered insufficient.
In addition, the practice of yoga can be an option to support the body to be healthy. According to scientists, yoga is a fitness program whose ability to improve fitness and life has been proven.
Report page Medical Herald Here are some benefits that can be obtained by regularly practicing yoga
Reduce Stress Levels [19659003AccordingtoareportpresentedattheAssociationofAnxietyandDepressionoftheAmericanConferencein2015TheYogaMovementisConsiderablyAffectedbytheEffectofaFemaleSleepHormoneofaStressonWomen
] The yoga movement is closely related to the blood circulation. The reason, the movement of yoga can relax the blood vessels in the body. Not only that, the yoga activity is also badociated with a decrease in a person's blood pressure. Therefore, for patients with heart disease, the practice of yoga is highly recommended.
Concentration is indispensable to a person when she performs a yoga movement. In this way, the balance of a person can be well maintained while performing yoga movements. Especially if you practice a difficult pose.
Some yoga movements combine different movements, all working together as a whole. Concentration and concentration are the key for someone to connect their breathing to movement.
Therefore, yoga can be a good activity for the modern generation to get a better physical shape and a healthier life.
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