Yuk, understand the myths and facts about diabetes


JAKARTA – There are many myths badociated with diabetes that are quite misleading. Did you know that diabetes is one of the diseases that many people attack on the world? You know him well.

Many facts about diabetes are the least known of people. The myth: Diabetes is a serious illness.
Fact: A survey reveals many deaths caused by AIDS or bad cancer, according to Boldsky. Diabetes can double the risk of heart attack. The myth: If you are obese, you have the opportunity to develop type 2 diabetes.
Fact: Being overweight is only one of the reasons for developing type 2 diabetes. Various factors such that family history, age and ethnicity play an important role in the development of diabetes. However, those who are not overweight have type 2 diabetes and many type 2 diabetics have normal weight.

Myth: Consumption of Most Sugars Increases Risk of Diabetes

Fact: No, Type 1 Diabetes a combination of genetic and unknown factors, such as type 2 diabetes confined to genetic or style factors of life. If you have a history of diabetes in your family, eat a healthy and balanced diet and exercise regularly to get away from the disease

Myth: A strict diet must be followed
Fact: The Basic rule for healthy eating is the same diabetes or people who do not have diabetes. You do not need to change your diet, but make sure you do not overeat, such as whole wheat bread, pasta, cereals, rice and starchy vegetables such as potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, milk, yogurt, fruits. Myth: If you have diabetes, you do not eat sweets.
Fact: You do not need to cut candies to eat. Instead, eat sweets to taste and not regular. it can help you maintain the balance of insulin in the body. Note: The Diabetes Health Plan is only related to healthy eating and physical exercise whether to eat or not

Myth: Diabetes is contagious.
Fact: No, diabetes is not contagious! However, it would be a factor that causes diabetes accordingly. Generally caused by lifestyle and genetic factors

Myth: All types of diabetes are the same
Fact: There are many types of diabetes and common in type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes. Each type of diabetes has different causes and is managed differently. Gestational diabetes disappears after pregnancy, but significantly increases the risk of type 2 diabetes in the day


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