Induction to the Texas Rangers Hall of Fame and Josh Hamilton


The controversy surrounded former Rangers player Josh Hamilton last Monday. But this time he did nothing wrong.

It was announced that Josh Hamilton and former Arlington Mayor Richard Greene would be inducted into the Texas Rangers Hall of Fame on August 17.

Supporters and members of the media quickly responded by expressing differing opinions on Hamilton's admission. They either liked Hamilton for what he did here, or hated his words that Arlington was not a "baseball city".

His quote was: "Texas, especially Dallas, has always been a football town. The good with the bad is that they are favorable, but they are also a little spoiled at the same time, rather quickly. You can understand a real baseball city. There are real baseball fans in Texas, but it's not a real baseball city. "


The Rangers acquired Josh Hamilton at the end of the 2007 season from the Reds in exchange for pitcher Edinson Volquez. Tampa Bay had already sold it to the Reds because of its past use with illicit drugs. This past use would eventually catch him, but not before he had a significant impact on the game.

He debuted with Texas in 2008 and it was a big one.

The 2008 season saw Hamilton win .304 with 32 homers and 130 RBIs. He played his first of five consecutive games of the stars with the big game being the home derby of the star country where he beat, a record again, 28 homers in the first round. His performance was such in the former Yankees stadium, during his last year, that even New York fans began to sing his name.

His best season came in 2010, when the Rangers finally qualified for the World Series for the first time. Josh became the Texas Rangers' first MVP since Alex Rodriguez in 2003. But Rodriguez won with a losing team. Hamilton led the league with a batting average of 0.39, 0.633 percent slugging and an OPS of 1.044. He has also been named ALCS 'most valuable player this season.

In 2011, he suffered injuries and his numbers decreased, but he still hit .298 with 25 home runs.

In 2012, his power came back under 43 moves, but his average dropped to .285. Then there was controversy at the end of the season when Hamilton played an easy ball. The fans seemed to think that he had just given up and that he was screwed up on social media.

The time of the angels

After the 2012 season, Texas did not offer him a new contract and he signed a major contract with the Los Angeles Angels for a five-year period, worth $ 125 million. It was at that time that he made his infamous "baseball town" that had been mentioned earlier.

He hit .250 with 21 homers for Los Angeles in 2013.

He was again injured in 2014 while he had beaten 0.23 with 10 homers in just 89 games.

The return to Texas

In 2015, the Los Angeles Angels transferred Josh Hamilton to the Texas Rangers. in the contract, Texas would consume $ 4 million of its contract while the Angels would pay the remaining $ 72 million, as well as the balance of the contract.

The majority of fans who defied him on his return as an Angels player ended up cheering him in Texas. They knew what he had meant to this team. However. the previous use of drugs during his career has continued to wreak havoc on his body. He played only 50 games in his last season with eight homers and 25 RBIs.

Hall of fame

Is Josh Hamilton a member of the Texas Rangers Hall of Fame? Certainly yes. He was one of the contributors, if not the most important, to the consecutive appearances of the Rangers in the World Series. He finished his short nine-year career with an oblique line of .290 / .349 / .516 with 200 homers and 701 RBIs. If his drug use had not diminished, he could have been one of the greatest players in MLB history.

But he remains one of the greatest in the history of the Texas Rangers.

Waiting next time, I'll see you in the cheap seats!


James Holland is an editor for Dallas Sports Fanatic. He is a fan of baseball since always and his hometown, the Texas Rangers. He is also addicted to karaoke and hosts shows in his favorite bar in Arlington.


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