Infantino: male players can learn wiser women


Anxious to improve behavior at football matches, FIFA President Gianni Infantino sees women as role models for male players.

According to Infantino, there is less simulation and wasted time in women's football and it's time for men to clean up their game to improve the football picture.

Infantino's admiration for driving the players contrasts with predecessor Sepp Blatter, who urged them to wear tighter kits to make the game more popular.

"Women are nicer than men," said Infantino on Saturday. "Probably in general because sometimes … we, men, feel the need to show our strength, probably as a human nature, and this is also reflected in certain behaviors of society in general … but also on the football field . "

Infantino was speaking after the legislative body of the match, the International Football Association Board, had discussed ways to improve on-the-ground behavior at its annual meeting, particularly with regard to relates to the treatment of arbitrators. The yellow and red cards for foul team officials are now registered in the laws of the game after successful attempts.

"In terms of behavior … there is something to learn from women's football," said Infantino.

The dive was reduced by the introduction of video criticism, said Infantino, while announcing his support for VAR at the Women's World Cup in France. The decision will have to be ratified by the FIFA Council at a meeting in Miami in two weeks.

"Players now know that it's not enough to just look at where the referee is, so he does not see me, I can simulate because he or she will be caught," said Infantino. "That's why VAR automatically contributes to the fight against simulation and diving in a very efficient way."


To reduce controversy, the handball law has been changed.

The referees will not necessarily have to decide whether there was deliberate manipulation, but judging the outcome and determining whether an unfair advantage was obtained in obtaining possession or control of the ball.

It will not be an offense if the arm or hand is very close to the body, but if the players are in a high position when the ball is handled. But even if a player accidentally manipulated scoring, the goal would be excluded.


Technology is not always necessary to reduce disruptive behavior. This was achieved thanks to the change of free kicks from the IFAB. Starting in June, the attacking team will no longer be allowed within one meter of the defense wall to try to prevent the players from jostling each other.

Goalkeepers will only have one foot on the line when they face a penalty.


To speed up the game, replaced players must leave the field at the nearest point rather than at the center line.

"It's a fairly conventional time-loss tactic: when a manager wants to make a change, he can send a player to be substituted at the opposite end of the pitch," said Ian Maxwell, director of the Scottish Football Association, 39, one of the eight leaders of the IFAB. members.

FIFA has four delegates and the British nations, the other four, with six votes to change the laws.


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