Infinity Ward developers explain why they are abandoning the 3-way card design in Modern Warfare


// initialize jwplayer
var playerInstance = jwplayer (& # 39; player & # 39;); // player's dom elements
var playerContainerEl = document.querySelector (& # 39 ;. player-container & # 39;); // return the position of the video player from the top of the document
getElementOffsetTop (el) {function
var boundingClientRect = el.getBoundingClientRect ();
var bodyEl = document.body;
var docEl = document.documentElement;
var scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || docEl.scrollTop || bodyEl.scrollTop;
var clientTop = docEl.clientTop || bodyEl.clientTop || 0;
return Math.round ( + scrollTop – clientTop);
} // return the current scroll position y
function getScrollTop () {
var docEl = document.documentElement;
return (window.pageYOffset || docEl.scrollTop) – (docEl.clientTop || 0);
} // configure the jwplayer instance
playerInstance.setup ({
autostart: true,
playlist: & # 39; https: // ;,
primary: "html5",
setFullscreen: true,
width: 100% & # 39;
}); // when the instance of jwplayer is ready
playerInstance.on (& # 39; ready & # 39 ;, function () {
var config = playerInstance.getConfig ();
var utils = playerInstance.utils;
// get the height of the player element
var playerHeight = config.containerHeight;
// indicator that determines if the closure was clicked
closed var = true; // MODIFIED
// indicator that determines if the player is playing
var play = false; // ADDED
// event manager for when the close button is pressed
document.getElementsByClassName (& # 39; icon-close & # 39;)[0].addEventListener (& # 39 ;, click), () => {
closed = true;
onScrollViewHandler ();
playerInstance.on (play, function () {
closed = false;
play = true; // ADDED
}). on (pause), function () {
play = false; // ADDED
}). we ('adPlay', function () {
closed = false; // ADDED
play = true; // ADDED
}). we (& # 39; adPause & # 39 ;, function () {
play = false; // ADDED
}); // get the position of the player element at the top of the document
var playerOffsetTop = getElementOffsetTop (playerContainerEl); // set the drive container to match the height of the actual video element = playerHeight + & # 39; px & # 39 ;; // below, we handle the window scroll event without killing the performance.
function onScrollViewHandler () {
var minimized = getScrollTop ()> = playerOffsetTop; if (closed && minimized) {
minimized = false;
jwplayer (). pause ();
play = false; // ADDED
} else if (! minimized &&! playing) {
closed = true; // ADDED
utils.toggleClass (playerContainerEl, & # 39; player-minim & # 39; minimized);
// update the size of the player so that the controls are adjusted
playerInstance.resize ();
} // namespace to see if we're waiting for the end of setTimeout ()
var isScrollTimeout = false; // window onscroll event handler
window.onscroll = function () {
// ignore if we wait for a scroll update delay
if (isScrollTimeout) return;
// signal that a new waiting time will start
isScrollTimeout = true;
// otherwise, call the scroll event view handler
onScrollViewHandler ();
// set new timeout
setTimeout (function () {
// reset the wait time indicator to false (longer wait)
isScrollTimeout = false;
}, 80);

With many Infinity Ward developers returning to the studio working on the 2019 title, the philosophy of the past is back in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

One of the things we reported about Modern Warfare is the design of the map. The studio's current studio director designed the cards for Call of Duty 4 and Modern Warfare 2. He also picked up these design ideas for this year's game. The cards are no longer all 3-way structured, but rather have throttling points, verticality, etc., on all cards.

In an interview with GameInformer, Jeffery Smith of Infinity Ward gave more details on this choice for the game.

Recently, the design of the cards in CoD has been more symmetrical and gives the cards a shooter aspect based on an arena. But in Modern Warfare, we wanted to keep this realism. Whenever you start making symmetrical presentations, you really start throwing people's brains. Humans can easily detect patterns. To make this space real, you must hide these three paths.

Many cards always have a 3-way overall structure, but their design and progress keep players standing where they are.

"I think a lot of games will somehow cut a lot of things and not let you go up," says Smith. He states that Infinity Ward "has removed the plastic film from Grandma's furniture."

Here is the video:


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