Ingestible self-inflating capsule for weight management


Researchers at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore have developed a self-inflatable capsule that can be swallowed, which grows in the stomach under the influence of a hand magnet. By filling a portion of the stomach, the balloon induces a feeling of satiety, thus helping obese patients to reduce their intake. The capsule is designed as a non-invasive alternative to the current intragastric balloons used in the treatment of obesity, which are delivered under sedation using an endoscope.

Intragastric balloons are a well-established treatment of obesity in patients struggling to control their diet. However, the balloon must be inserted into the stomach by endoscopy, which means that the patient is sedated before being inflated with the help of a tube. This invasive procedure is then repeated inversely six months later, once the balloon is removed.

The typical procedure is not suitable for all patients and sometimes the balloon can lead to side effects such as vomiting and nausea. In fact, 20% of patients require early removal of the balloon because they can not tolerate these side effects. During the 6 months of placement of the balloon, the stomach can become accustomed to the balloon, which means that it is less effective in reducing excess food.

To solve these problems, the Nanyang research team has developed a non-invasive alternative called EndoPil. Covered with a hard outer layer of gelatin, the capsule measures about three centimeters by one centimeter. It contains a magnetically activated inflation valve, as well as salt and acid, stored in separate compartments.

When the capsule is swallowed, stomach acid breaks through the outer lining. An external magnet held in the stomach can break the magnetic inflation valve, thus allowing the salt and acid to mix, resulting in the formation of carbon dioxide which slowly inflates the balloon until a maximum volume of 120 ml. After a period of one month, the device can be deflated and it passes through the bowel before being expelled by the body. Since it is relatively easy to place another balloon in the stomach, another short treatment cycle can begin soon after if you wish.

EndoPil avoids the use of endoscopy. Since it can be slowly inflated without tubes, the device could help reduce side effects. Shorter treatment cycles could also help prevent the stomach from getting used to the balloon, which means the treatment could be more effective.

However, new balloons still need to be tested to determine their usefulness for obese patients. Researchers are currently planning a clinical trial to determine if the capsule can be successfully deflated into the stomach and expelled by the body.

Study in PLOS ONE: Development and testing of a magnetically activated capsule endoscopy for the treatment of obesity …

Via: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore …


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