Inside Sanpete: I licked a bar of soap | News, Sports, Jobs


I had several ideas for the title of this column. Here are some of the headline ideas that were finalists: a) Bulletproof, maybe not, b) It won’t happen to me, c) Schmackshanation vaccination, d) Class reunion, bike race , church meeting: True culprit, please stand up? e) Isolation – not just for unruly prisoners. I could go on, but luckily for you, I won’t.

Many of you by now are grasping the drift of my subject here today. I won’t beat around the bush. I tested positive for COVID-19 last Friday. Yes I have “la Rona”.

Let me quickly say that I appear to be doing fine and expect to come out on the other side of my isolation in a few days as healthy as before this virus hit me. This may not mean much, as I am recovering from carpal tunnel syndrome surgery, recovering from a strain on my lower back and awaiting surgery for surgery. tear of the meniscus ligament of the knee.

I realize that many readers may be utterly annoyed by what looks like a continuous and impending glimpse into my personal health issues. But, just to let you know, I don’t mean to talk about blood pressure, cholesterol, or any other illness that I may or may not be on medication for.

I don’t blame you if you bail out now on reading this article. However, if you stop now you will miss the part of the story where I was naked and I had an reveal that motivated me to get tested for COVID-19.

I also want to hasten to say, at this point, that I seriously realize that the COVID-19 situation is no joke. Some of us may be a little light-hearted about certain aspects of the pandemic, but all of this underlies the harsh reality that many have had serious struggles with the virus. And some, including Sanpete, my friends and yours, have lost their fights.

As for me, a person completely vaccinated since last March (Moderna), I thought I had a “Cold-man”. (“I think I’m getting sick. The most dreaded words a woman can hear from her husband.)

My runny nose and sinus congestion turned into a fever and “I feel bad” kind of feeling. I isolated myself, not wanting to spend my “cold” to anyone.

Friday morning while showering (this is the bare part) I noticed that I didn’t smell the normal scents that I used to smell while showering. My shampoo, soap and shower gel were not “tickle my nose” as usual. So bizzare.

I put the container of shower gel under my nose and pumped out a few puffs of air – nothing was registered in my nose. I put the bar of soap under my nose and took a strong puff – nothing.

I will now refer you to the title of today’s column. Go ahead. Check it out. Yes, that’s what I did. It was a little hesitant for the first try. The second time around, I imitated a mother cow licking her newborn calf with serious, full-tongue effort. Lick! And what did my taste buds perceive? Nothing! No “whore” lick!

It was confirmed. I had lost my sense of smell and taste. Further cooking tests with horseradish, minced garlic, and spicy mustard added additional verification.

There was no doubt that I needed to be tested. As it turned out, I was one of 1,116 new cases reported in Utah that day. Of these cases, I was one of 265 who were “Revolutionary cases”. A fully vaccinated person who tests positive is known as a revolutionary case.

As of Friday, there were 8,022 rupture cases in Utah, including 464 requiring hospitalization and 35 deaths. The death rate of patients fully vaccinated against the coronavirus is 0.00233%

The Department of Health reported that “in the past 28 days, unvaccinated people were 5.8 times more likely to die from COVID-19, 6.4 times greater risk of being hospitalized due to of COVID-19 and 4.9 times greater risk of testing positive for COVID-19.

I can only guess how my illness might have been different if I hadn’t been vaccinated. I know there are different opinions on all of this. For my part, I do not regret choosing to follow the advice of trusted health professionals when it comes to my recent decisions about health choices.

As an unofficial last word, and I don’t really recommend it, you can keep a bar of soap handy for self-testing. My son sent me a video of him licking a bar of soap. The result? “Yuck! – COVID Negative! – Merrills


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