Instagram Adds Easier Access To Support For Eating Disorders


Instagram announces the addition of resources for those affected by eating disorders to its social platform. If users search for hashtags or content potentially related to eating disorders, the company will guide that user to resources or helplines provided by the National Eating Disorders Association (or NEDA) in the United States, as well as others in the UK, Australia, and Canada.

Instagram says that currently it’s trying to scramble potentially triggering content in search results, and it’s directing people to widespread crisis support, but it should now direct users to resources specifically designed around food. In its blog, Instagram also says it plans to show the resources if someone is trying to share content related to eating disorders, or “if a friend is concerned about something they see posted and wants to give away. his support ”.

This update is similar to what TikTok announced earlier today. However, unlike TikTok, it doesn’t appear that Instagram has ever mentioned any resources specific to eating disorders, although they have been posted in the general list of help lines. Currently, searching for content related to eating disorders will bring you to this general helpline listing, which includes not only NEDA but also the National Alliance on Mental Illness, Veterans Crisis Line. and the Trevor Project.

Currently, the list does not show Eating Disorders help lines, although this is the type of content the user was directed to it from.

However, Instagram screenshots imply that the support button will specifically point out NEDA contacts to people, rather than just showing them the full list of available help lines.

As part of its programming for National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, the company also said it plans to work with community leaders to post Reels that “encourage positive body image, push back against stigma. weight and harmful stereotypes, and show that all bodies are worthy and deserve to be celebrated. According to the article, this is the third time Instagram has worked on content for NEDA week.

Instagram has had problems in the past trying to regulate eating disorder content, and the social network is often brought up in conversations about negative body image and perception, especially among young people. While the higher resource prioritization probably won’t do much to resolve self-esteem issues after using the site, it should help those in difficulty and vulnerable to access expert help more easily. .


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