Investigation highlights causes of Beresheet lunar crash


According to the preliminary investigation into the failure of the Israeli spacecraft landing maneuver Beresheet, as a result of a malfunction of the IMU (unit of measure inertial), a command was loaded into the spacecraft.

This resulted in a series of events in the spacecraft, which shut down the main engine and prevented the correct activation of the engine.

The SpaceIL team and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) continue their research on what happened during the mission. In the coming weeks, the final results of the survey will be published.

Morris Kahn, President of SpaceIL, said: "I am proud of SpaceIL engineers for their outstanding work and dedication, and such cases are an integral part of a complex and innovative project."

"What is important now is to draw the best possible lessons from our mistakes and to continue courageously to move forward.This is the message we would like to convey to Israelis and to the world. Beresheet project. "


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