iOS 13: iPhone and iPad users have warned against installing a new Apple software, although it is available for download


IPhone and iPad users can get the latest software update before it is released, but probably should not.

Recently, Apple has proposed its new iOS updates through public beta versions allowing users to test them before others.

Previous versions, especially iOS 12 beta from last year, were reliable enough to install them almost immediately. But this year, they are still so unreliable that users were urged not to install them if they had an important reason.

These bugs are still present more than a month after the announcement of the software and after several updates released by Apple.

In addition, Apple has made a series of fundamental changes to the operation of the iPhone software, which means that the bug could have disastrous consequences. For example, it has changed the way that data is synced to the Internet, which means it prevents information from disappearing from your phone.

Apple has always been clear on the fact that new beta releases are far from reliable. Since the publication of the first beta for developers, it included a note stating clearly that they should only be installed when necessary, thus preventing any dangers that could involve the hasty installation of earlier versions.

'Important note for thrill seekers: if you want to live on the edge and try the super new features of iOS 13, we strongly advise you to wait for the many bugfixes and improvements to the version public beta later this month, "says the message read.

It always warns users that data may disappear and that updates could cause significant problems.

Now, developers have come out after receiving requests from users to update their apps to make sure they work with the new software. Ulysses handwriting executives said in a blog post that this would not be the case because the updates were still not reliable enough for them to could not be sure that they would work properly.

"From our experience with previous operating system updates, we can state that these betas are extremely unstable and buggy," wrote the Ulysses developers in a blog post. "After all, the beta versions of the operating systems are always just beta versions – they are buggy they are subject to accidents, and they make lose data. While in recent years, it was safe enough to install preview versions at first, this is certainly not the case this year. "

They said that their main problem with the new beta versions was not the overall performance, but the "great" changes that have been made to iCloud, which synchronizes data from one device to another. Since these changes are also part of the beta and are affected by bugs, developers can not guarantee that it will work without problems – and as it is managed by Apple, developers can not necessarily do anything to bring them back . .

You can read the upcoming changes in iOS 13 here.


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