Iowa officials confirm cases of bacterial disease in dogs


Multiple cases of bacterial disease have been discovered in dogs in central Iowa, state officials said. Dr. Jeff Kaisand, a state veterinarian, said that canine brucellosis appeared to come from a small commercial dog breeding center located in Marion County. Animals and facilities are quarantined while dogs undergo clinical tests. Brucellosis is a bacterial disease that can be transmitted to humans and other animals through contaminated reproductive fluids. The threat to most pet owners is considered very low, according to the Iowa Department of Agriculture. Amy Heinz, of the AHeinz57 Pet Rescue & Transport organization, based in De Soto, said that 31 dogs are quarantined in her facility. "People buy puppies at these plants all the time," said Heinz. "They do not know what they have, they do not know how to test for brucellosis." We were hoping to give them a better life and not have to stay in a cage all day, but they came back to the she spent all day in cages, "she continued. We had to get all the animators to bring them back last night, and we set up a makeshift shelter in our garage. "We need to put all these biosecurity measures in place, and that takes time," she said. "All stray dogs – and stray cats, by the way – we have the right to ship anyone for the moment. "According to Heinz, HIV-positive animals need to be treated because this is not a curable disease.If animal owners have recently made the Acquiring a new small breed puppy from Marion County, they must contact their veterinarian.Iowa Agriculture Department officials said it is still important to practice good biosecurity, like washing hands thoroughly at the back and handling animals.

Multiple cases of bacterial disease have been discovered in dogs in central Iowa, state officials said.

Dr. Jeff Kaisand, a state veterinarian, said that canine brucellosis appeared to come from a small commercial dog breeding center located in Marion County.

Animals and facilities are quarantined while dogs undergo clinical tests.

Brucellosis is a bacterial disease that can be transmitted to humans and other animals through contaminated reproductive fluids. The threat to most pet owners is considered very low, according to the Iowa Department of Agriculture.

Amy Heinz, of the AHeinz57 Pet Rescue & Transport organization, based in De Soto, said that 31 dogs are quarantined in her facility.


"People buy puppies at these plants all the time," said Heinz. "They do not know what they're getting, they do not know how to test for brucellosis.

"We were hoping to give them a better life and not have to stay in a cage all day, but they are sitting in cages again all day long," she continued. "We had to bring back all the encouraged last night, and we set up a makeshift shelter in our garage."

The disease has affected the ability of the pet rescue organization to save more pets.

"We need to put all these biosecurity measures in place, and that takes time," she said. "All stray dogs – and stray cats, by the way – we are not allowed to take anyone for the moment."

The dogs were tested on Thursday night. Heinz said that animals tested positive should be slaughtered as this was not a curable disease.

If pet owners have recently purchased a small breed dog in Marion County, they must contact their veterinarian.

Officials from the Iowa Department of Agriculture said it was still important to practice good biosecurity, such as washing hands thoroughly after handling animals.

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