& # 39; Ant-Man & Wasp & # 39; featured an Ant-Man classic enemy cameo


By Cameron Bonomolo

The latest edition of Marvel Studios, Ant-Man and Wasp featured an appearance by Elias Starr (Michael Cerveris ) – a character best known in clbadic Marvel comics as a recurring Ant-Man archfoe: Egghead.

In the Marvel film universe, Starr is reinvented as an ex-partner of Bill Foster (Laurence Fishburne) and Hank Pym (Michael Douglas), who was fired and discredited by Pym after Starr suspected of owning the power of the Quantum Kingdom.

While trying to recreate Pym's technology, Starr caused a huge power explosion of the Quantum realm – catching his family in the sequel. explosion. Starr and his wife Catherine perished, but their daughter, Ava, would be left irreversibly changed: the orphan has developed into a S.H.I.E.L.D. deadly. an operator known as Ghost (Hannah John-Kamen), who used her unpredictable abilities to get through the material in the service of the dark government organization until her powers threatened to make her disappearing

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<figcaption> (Photo: Marvel Entertainment) </figcaption></figure>
<p>  In Marvel's comics, Elihas Starr was a mad-type scientist and a main enemy of Hank Pym, who operated under multiple identities, including Ant-Man, Giant-Man and Yellowjacket </p>
<p> .One of Pym's most recurring enemies, Egghead has first fought the shrinking superhero <em> Tales to Astonish </em> # 38, where the big brain scientist built his own ant control device in an attempt to return the henchmen of insects of Ant-Man against </p>
<p>  When he came back, Pym had started fighting crime with Janet van Dyne, the Wasp. , and the duo clashed with Egghead in a zoo after the villain kidnapped Janet and drew Ant-Man into a trap. </p>
<p>  The next Egghead plan saw the involvement of Spider-Man, who was attacked by Wasp and Pym – having taken the giant giant-man's identity – after the two Avengers were trapped in a web ambush by Egghead, who hoped to use the battle as a distraction for burglary. </p>
<p>  In the pages of <em> Avengers </em> # 63, the Hawkeye archer badumed that Pym was abandoned The Goliath identity and growth-enhancing powers to save Black Widow, who had been kidnapped by Egghead and Fantastic Four fighters Puppet Master and the Crazy Thinker. </p>
<p>  The next issue sees the first appearance of Clint's brother, Barney Barton, who worked for Egghead. Barton's brother was apparently killed when he sacrificed himself to destroy an orbital death ray created by the villain, adding Egghead to Barton's gallery. </p>
<p>  During his criminal career, Egghead co-founded the super-villain group Intelligencia – a group composed exclusively of criminal geniuses, sometimes with Doctor Doom, MODOK, Leader, and Red Ghost and Super Monkeys – as well that an ephemeral crew known as the Emissaries of Evil, where he collaborated with the mutant Solarr, the Cobalt Man, and Spider-Man enemy the Rhino, before helping to form the third iteration of the Avengers enemies the Masters of Evil. </p>
<p>  Egghead seemed to be killed when – during a sneaky attack attempt on Pym – Barton, back to Hawkeye, arrow into Egghead 's energy blaster. The gun exploded, killing Egghead. </p>
<p>  After an Egghead clone was created by the enemy of Captain America Arnim Zola and killed by mercenary Deadpool, Egghead revealed that he had survived his encounter with Hawkeye as "rejuvetech serum". face to Pym and the new Ant-Man, Scott Lang, who defeated the mad genius and his artificial intelligence recreations of the Avengers. </p>
<p>  More recently, Egghead resurfaced in the pages of <em> Astonishing Ant-Man </em> at the employment of Darren Cross, nicknamed the wicked Yellowjacket – a name familiar to the onlookers who saw the villain depicted by Corey Stoll in <em> Ant-Man </em> </p>
<p>  Ant </p>
<p>  Ant- </em><em> ] The Man and the Wasp </em> is being read. </p>
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