& # 39; Star Wars & # 39; takes a big risk by adding Carrie Fisher to 'Episode IX & # 39;


Lucasfilm revealed the startling news that the last actor will appear in "Episode IX". under the name of Leia.

Now it's official: Star Wars fans will have one last chance to say goodbye to Carrie Fisher, with Lucasfilm announcing that the actress, who died in December 2016, will appear next year Star Wars: Episode IX .

In a statement, director JJ Abrams sought to put an end to concerns over CGI's potential resurrections, saying the new film will use "unpublished footage we filmed together in Episode VII " and baduring fans that "we would never recast, or use a CG Character." While this is, without a doubt, comforting, it would also seem to offer particular clues to the role of Fisher – or, more specifically , his character, Leia Organa – will play in the film.

First: Purely practical purposes, the presence of Leia in the film will be small. If nothing else, there can be so many foreign, unpublished images of 2015 Star Wars: The Awakening of the Force ; it was barely in this film, so unless vast scenes are shot but never suggested by anyone involved in production, there is little material from which to shoot, and all will certainly not be used.

Considering the context of the sequence, it also limits the potential use of Episode IX . Leia appeared in some scenes and places in The Awakens of the Force. Leia was on Takodana, rescuing Han, Chewbacca, Rey and Finn, then at the base of the Resistance in Qar, where she participated in planning and then monitoring the attack of the Starkiller base. Aside from brief interludes with Han and, later, Rey, she is very much in "harbaded leader" mode throughout the film. Does this mean that it is the Leia that we will see in Episode IX even after losing her ex-husband, then her brother, in the previous two movies?

(It is possible that Fisher's footage will eventually be only a minor flashback, used to punctuate a contemporary moment, memories during his funeral, as some have already suggested on the social networks.) If this is the case, then the above problem is latent, to a certain extent. ] Abrams' comments leave room for a certain level of post-production trickery to apply to Fisher's images. Presumably, Fisher will be interspersed with new images of actors shot specifically for Episode IX . Will the digital hoax be used to make sure Fisher shares a location with the other actors? If so, will that be all that has changed? What about costume choices? Besides, what about posthumous dubbing potential or soundalikes used for dialogue where Leia is out of scope or not in close-up? Abrams said that the film would never use a CG character, but what about a performance enhanced or altered by CG?

Of course, if such editions or alterations are made, they must be done with subtlety and sensitivity. It's the key to any business to include Fisher images posthumously. As far as fans want to be able to say goodbye to the actress, and also to Leia, they want to do it in a way that feels appropriate and respectful at the same time. While Abrams and Lucasfilm – and Fisher's family, especially his daughter Billie Heavy, quoted in the Abrams statement – want to both close and pay homage to Leia and Fisher, they are courting if this is not perfectly done. 19659003] That the images will come from The Force Awakens feels particularly good, then; after all, it was a project that already had expectations and imminent accusations on the part of fandom who were expecting the worst. It's also perhaps a reminder that those involved in this movement love mythology – and have loved Fisher as a person – as much as any other, if not more, and l & rsquo; Will approach with the utmost care.

remains worried until the final product appears on the screen, but perhaps we can rest just slightly in the meantime.

Carrie Fisher

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