7 questions we need to answer


What a strange time for the nature of reality. Do you remember the time when you could hear about an idea and you had to immediately exclude it for being too ridiculous or ridiculous? Yeah, well, it's over now.

We are in 2018 and the laughable has become probable. Not only in combat sports (but especially in combat sports). It's something in the air, the spirit of those uncertain times. We are tired of realism here. We want to see how things can get weird.

Even in this atmosphere, it was strange to hear, apparently out of nowhere, that Floyd Mayweather had an announcement to make alongside the leaders of the Japanese Rizin FF promotion.

When he showed up at a red, white and blue tracksuit late Sunday night to confirm that he would fight with undefeated kickboxing Tenshin Nasukawa during some sort of indeterminate fight at the Saitama Super Arena at night New Year, it has become a reality Some questions should be asked.

Is Mayweather making us laugh?

We have to start here, whether we like it or not. We need to consider the possibility that the big boxer is just playing with our heads, tracking the easily trollable combat sports community, making us look his way just because he can. Because even though we all know that he loves money more than anything, attention is a close second. And that's sure we got ours.

But he is not going to seriously do that, is not it?

It depends on what the "this" is. Perhaps the strangest part of this announcement was how much left to decide what the fight would look like. Participants freely admitted that everything from rule to weight was still pending. What this tells you is that no final agreement has been signed, which means that everything could fall apart if they can not agree on what it will become.

Who does this, announce a fight before deciding what kind of fight it will be?

The Japanese combat promoters, for one. The battle sports scene is and has always been a little different from this side of the Pacific. They are much more comfortable with what they do. Plus, they are not averse to an absolute farce from time to time, especially when New Year's Eve announces. It's that magical night when a man in a mask can hit a schoolgirl cosplay man while a cup of anthropomorphic noodles encourages them both. A boxing show with three rounds, mostly meaningless, would it really be unthinkable in such an environment?

Who is this kickboxer, anyway?

He is dope. Check it out.

But how can Rizin FF possibly afford Mayweather's premium services?

Here is the big question. As we have seen, you can not force Mayweather to put on socks in the morning unless you first convince him to put money in his pocket. In no way does he lace the gloves in any sort of fight with a heavy salary, and lately, Rizin FF has not seemed to be in the most robust financial health. One possibility is that, in exchange for her participation, Mayweather earns more than just money. He alluded to it himself, which makes you wonder if he will own a part of society when all is over.

"Rizing has done a remarkable job with the fighters," said Mayweather. "I look forward to entertaining you guys on December 31st. But my relationship with Rizin does not stop there. I am looking forward to taking this around the world. "

How does Mayweather's current flirt with the UFC fit into this situation?

This is another strange variable that you must take into account. Mayweather may have a firm agreement to show up in Tokyo on New Year's Eve, but one thing proved this announcement is that it can still create a buzz very quickly in the world of combat sports, and he can do it pretty much anywhere. If he was looking for a way to badert his value as a draw, even in strange circumstances, he might have just done it.

But, c'mon, it's just a pub shot or a weird joke, right?

I mean, yes and no. Was it a joke when Mayweather fought Conor McGregor, who made his professional boxing debut against the best boxer of his generation? Well, yes, sort of. It was also a huge salary for all participants. Although it seems stupid to imagine Mayweather in a boxing show against a Japanese kickboxing sensation, that does not mean that it will not happen. It does not even mean that it will not have financial success, one way or another.

Of course, it's not hard to imagine that, in three weeks, Mayweather and Rizin FF announce that they could not agree on the conditions and LOL of all who took this seriously. But that's just the timeline we live in. There is hardly any result as strange as possible.

For more information on Rizin FF 14, check out the MMA Rumors section of the site.

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