81% of people support the introduction of a tax credit or an increase in subsidies for GAA players


A large majority

A new survey showed that an overwhelming majority of people felt that both GAA men and women deserve some sort of tax relief or financial subsidy.

Research has shown that 81% of taxpayers "

Taxback.com conducted the survey, in which they asked 1,200 people across the country whether or not they believed the GAA interprovincial players deserved a tax credit for their efforts.

Another interesting figure that emerges from the survey is that 74% of people think that tax credit should be extended to male and female GAA interprovincial players, leaving only 7% of people believing that he should be a man only The biggest divergence of views emerged when he came to the possible value of a proposed credit with 25% saying that it should be between 1000 and 2500 € , while 19% said it should be worth between 2500 – 5 thousand.

Adrian Morrissey (Wexford) and Mark Davoren (Dublin), two former county interpreters, believe that a credit of Tax would make a real difference for inter-county players.

10 years old, I know that the commitment of these players is huge – and that seems to increase with each pbading season, "says Adrian Morrissey," there are a lot of sacrifices involved – whether it's his family or his work. That is why a tax reduction gesture for a player is, in my opinion, a no-brainer. It would be a recognition of the commitment that players give to a cause that is bigger than themselves. "

Mark Davoren pointed out that a similar situation already exists among some sportsmen in Ireland:" Rugby players are entitled to a tax refund in retirement. This can be quite a large sum, especially for the best players. If there are tax incentives for other sportsmen in Ireland, I do not think there is a reason that GAA players are not entitled to a credit of $ 15,000. 39; tax. When you reach the peak of your sport and play for your county in front of 80,000 people in Croke Park and hundreds of thousands on television, I think you deserve it. "

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