Smartphones are becoming more advanced. [19659004] They can do just about anything these days, track your fitness, watch movies and take quality SLR photos.
But with a great phone comes a great responsibility – when you have a 24 month contract with a £ 1000 phone to replace, you have to treat it well.
How many of your friends are walking around using a phone with a cracked screen?
We try our best using protective cases, but some of them are not good, providing minimal protection when the sh * t hits the fan (the phone hits the ground).
probably why a student invented this discreet airbag case for your phone, which automatically deploys the bumpers when you drop it, to protect it from cold hard ground.
The case was designed by Philip Frenzel, a 25-year-old engineering student at Aalen University in Germany, who decided to take matters into his own hands. he managed to break through several phone screens.
Tiny protective cases so innocuous that one invented one that looks rather bbad – until you drop it.
Tiny sensors inside the case detect that the device is falling and pulling out the flexible arms from each corner. his fall.
The arms are then pushed back manually, and your phone is ready to fall.
For more information: Property
Make sure it is not in a water plan. These arms will not help you then. You will need a raft
What, if we are lucky, Frenzel will eventually work on it.
According to Preview Online, he is waiting for the patent for his phone to be approved, and then he will start crowdfunding
Following this, he hopes to expand his product line
Hurry up, Frenzel, hurry up [19659004] H / T: Motherboard
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