Samsung announces a slowdown in earnings growth


The South Korean company has estimated its profits at 9.9 billion pounds for the quarter from April to June, an increase of 5.2% over the same period of time. last year. For the second quarter, it also forecast a 4.9% drop in sales from the previous year, falling to around 39.1 billion pounds.

Ernest Doku, a mobile expert from, said that a crowded marketplace threatens the dominance of the company.

"Samsung's disappointing second-quarter performance was predictable given the growing competition from Chinese manufacturers in their main mobile handset market, especially in the price-sensitive EU," It is certainly as possible as possible. Part of Samsung's situation was triggered by the continuing decline of the high street – we only need to look at the mbadive closings of Carphone Warehouse to see that while there remains huge demand for handsets from high quality, the variety of options in which to choose and where to buy them means that established market titans are going through difficult times right now. "

Galaxy S9 smartphone maker to go further Earlier this year, Gartner badysts said that smartphone sales had declined for the first time globally, citing owners keeping their handsets longer as one of the reasons for this decline.

– Press Association

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