"Simply voiceless" – Jamie Heaslip greets daughter with wife Sheena


  Jamie Heaslip photographed with his fiancée Sheena O 'Buachalla in front of the Newman University Church on St Stephens Green.
Photo: Steve Humphreys
Jamie Heaslip photographed with his fiancée Sheena O 'Buachalla in front of Newman University Church on St Stephens Green.
Photo: Steve Humphreys
Jamie Heaslip with his wife Sheena
Irish rugby star Jamie Heaslip alongside his new wife Sheena O 'Buachalla. Photo: Fergal Phillips White Wedding
: The newlyweds Sheena O 'Buachalla and Jamie Heaslip. Photo by Fergal Phillips
Jamie Heaslip and fiancée Sheena O 'Buachalla
  • ' Simply voiceless' – Jamie Heaslip greets daughter with wife Sheena


    Irish rugby star Jamie Heaslip has announced the birth of his first child.


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Irish rugby star Jamie Heaslip announced the birth of his first child.

The 34-year-old man, who retired earlier this year, welcomed a little girl with his wife Sheena O Buachalla

"Our beautiful daughter Harper Heaslip was born today. Jenny's midwife, nurses, our Dr. Allen Dr and everyone at Holles Street, and my wife, simply speechless, "he wrote on Instagram, accompanied by a photo of the newborn

Jamie and Sheena, together since 2010 They were married two years ago and announced in February that they were together expecting their first child.

In May, he told Independent.ie Style that he was excited to become a father for the first time

"We are very excited, we can not wait," he says.

"This is the real world, it puts a lot of things in perspective … win and lose a game, or not play or be selected, it seems tiny to be responsible for a human "[19659008] Heaslip says that many of his former teammates gave him parenting advice

  White Wedding: Newlyweds Sheena O 'Buachalla and Jamie Heaslip. Photo by Fergal Phillips "title =" White Wedding: The newlyweds Sheena O 'Buachalla and Jamie Heaslip. Picture by Fergal Phillips "width =" 620 "height =" 930 "/>
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