Watch Toys "R" Us "Geoffrey the giraffe get out of the ring with an Amazon box


Geoffrey the Giraffe, venerable mascot of the now-defunct Toys "R" Us chain of stores, was doing very well at the rumble of 30 men from the Florida Supercon FCSW on Friday – until, as in real life, he was cold-punched with an Amazon Prime delivery box and stumbled unconsciously out of the ring.

Per Pro Wrestling Sheet, a competitor dressed in the famous mascot costume "entered the roar to hit a clothesline and chokeslam on two wrestlers," Gangrel:

Although Amazon is not the main cause of the fall of Toys "R" Us, it is the private equity firms that bought the brand under a leveraged buyout. He has badailed it with huge amounts of debt – competition from huge e-commerce companies like Amazon or big box retailers like Target and Walmart has not helped. Although the incomes of the toy chain remained relatively stable before and after the Great Recession, the huge multibillion dollar debt of the Atlantic left him little room to innovate and survive

. We sold off all his stocks (one person would have bought $ 1 million in discounted toys for the needy), Amazon is more than happy to seize the opportunity to part with what's left of the market from Geoffrey. Recent reports suggest that it could be considered to circulate its own catalog of holiday toys to millions of Amazon users, replacing the famous version of Toys "R" Us. [19659004] [YouTubevia Twitter ]

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