Whoopi: Jeanine Pirro Whoopi Cursed Show Bookers, security guards on the exit


Whoopi Goldberg did not waste a minute answering Jeanine Pirro's claims about yesterday's appearance The View in which she says she was ejected from the building, like a dog [19659002] was hot on the air, what are you waiting for. It happens a lot, "said Whoopi." I want to clarify what happened afterwards, because she talked about Fox News and Fox & Friends this morning, but he seemed to set aside some important points … "said Whoopi"

Pirro had arrived at the show upset upon hearing that Anna Navarro was going to replace Joy Behar, said Whoopi, reiterating what Deadline reported yesterday

.The trendy segment, which Den Mom Whoopi seemed to cut short, although today she insisted that it work as long as expected.

After which, Whoopi said, reiterating the Deadline report, Pirro called everyone at the table a name that I can not repeat TV and told the audience. "

Whoopi had already left the scene, telling viewers today. As she went to calm down. Pirro left the scene but stopped in front of her, "put a finger on my face, and shouted:" I've done more for the victims than you'll ever do, "as Deadline l & rsquo; Heard yesterday, but certainly not how Pirro reports what happened

Whoopi agrees with Pirro that she had responded with "a few words of choice that I can not not repeat "on TV

" But I did not spit on her, I did not intimidate her; Nobody chased her out of here saying "go out of here", as Pirro said, whoopi insisted.

Instead Whoopi said, "She left here curse the people who book the show, cursed guys"

"For 20 years, the show has always had people with different points of view, like Newt Gingrich, Corey Lewandowski … Sarah Sanders, Trey Gowdy, Dana Perino, told Whoopi, naming a few

"Jeanine, good luck with your book.I hear it's number 1. I preferred your last book on Robert Durst, she added.

Whoopi predicts that Pirro will continue for a few more days, "because she has a show on Saturday and all that." [19659003] Her message to Pirro: "You can come to this show; we treat everyone with respect. But you can not come and call names of people. You can not point. You can not do that to people, "she said with an aggressive gesture

" And people who know Jeanine know exactly what I'm talking about. They know that she likes to stir it. I was rarely excited, "recognized Whoopi, recalling that she had come back on air after the break and apologizing.

The night before, Pirro told Sean Hannity on her show from FNC that the interview had slipped into the second segment.After saying: "We must start talking to each other;"

She forgot to tell Hannity's viewers that soon after, she put Whoopi to the insult and the deranged calling because he did not subscribe to the views of President Donald Trump.

however, tell Hannity that her experience on The View is "a microcosm of what's happening in America, as the left is suffering from this Trump Derangement Syndrome."

In Thursday's segment, Pirro said he was not an ideologue and explained that She knew a good job when she saw one, the audience started to laugh, maybe after seeing his programs Fox News Channel praising President Donald Trump

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Ana Navarro asked Pirro if she thought Trump was a conservative, considering all these rates, having previously endorsed the right to A woman to make her own decisions about her body, and so on.

Pirro deflected, declaring Whoopi Goldberg to suffer from Trump Syndrome Derangement, leaving aside The View Conservative panelist Meghan McCain – and showing Whoopi.

"Have you just pointed at me?" replied Goldberg. "I do not have Trump Derangement, let me tell you what I've got.I'm fed up with people who start a conversation with" Mexicans are Liars and Rapists & " There were a lot of people in the office with whom I did not agree, but I have never seen anyone badping such hatred 19659003] Pirro has retorted: "Do you know what is horrible? When people who should not be here end up murdering the children of US citizens! "

They were shouting now, and Goldberg was not talking about it, saying to Pirro:" What's horrible, that's when the President of the United States "

Pirro told Hannity that Behind the scenes, she had told Goldberg, "I fought for the victims all my life," to which Goldberg had responded by telling him "to get the F." Leaving Pirro to leave the building "like a dog that has just been evicted".

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