The video shows how lip filler can go so, sometimes badly


(Image: Tijion Esho / Instagram)

If the voluptuous lips of Megan's Love Island made you look up the number of your local surgeon, do not worry, you are not alone.

Since the insular villain arrived on our screens, SISU Aesthetic Clinics reported that there has been a 200% increase in demand for the lips.

And although it is completely standardized nowadays to obtain fillers or non-surgical procedures, doctors still have some warnings for cosmetic treatments.

Dr. Tijion Esho of Body Fixers on Channel 4 shared a clip of what happens when lips are infected following a cheap procedure.

So, if you are sensitive, look away now.

The cosmetic doctor shared the video on his Instagram, saying, "I get a lot of emergency cases. This young woman contacted me today with this video. She is now on my emergency table.

He urged people to pay attention to where they receive their treatments and warned them not to be drawn to the low prices offered by unskilled or unregistered practitioners. "In rare but very disturbing cases, this can lead to tissue necrosis where the blood vessel is blocked by preventing blood from entering the area of ​​the tissue that can then die, leading to disfigurement. high risk are the use of unregulated products, an unhealthy clinic, poor management and needle sharing. "

Instagram users congratulated the doctor for his work:" Someone & ## ## 39, a must you a cape! It's a rank yet so satisfying. At least she had the best in the business to fix it. "

For more: Beauty

A user was grateful to Dr. Esho for helping with a similar cosmetic mishap. She wrote, "Thanks a lot for letting me know! You do not understand how much I enjoyed doing this for me! Godsend & # 39;

Some were too busy enjoying the video. We wrote, "Is it bad to be able to watch this all day?"

Rather than you.

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