William Hanson discovers why Princess Margaret loved Mustique


This year, the small Caribbean island of Mustique celebrates its 60th anniversary

Although the land is obviously much older than 60, it is in 1958 that Colin Tennant, the 3rd Baron Glenconner, buys l & # 39; island. (which had no fresh water or electricity) for the bargain price of £ 45,000 and began to turn it into an upscale holiday destination, it is still today # 39; hui.

Gently, in 1960, Tennant offered a parcel of land in the island to his friend and former companion His Royal Highness Princess Margaret – although it was only in 1968 that she He formally agreed (having sneakily raised the stakes that marked the plot and replanted a field further to give him more acreage).

  The Queen has Balmoral and Sandringham as her holiday homes - Margaret just has The Beautiful Waters ("Beautiful Waters"), pictured, on Mustique

  The Queen has Balmoral and Sandringham as his homes holiday - Margaret just had The Beautiful Waters ('beautiful waters'), on the photo, on Mustique

The Queen has Balmoral and Sandringham as her holiday homes – Margaret just d & # 39; To have The Pretty Waters, on the photo, on Mustique

  The neo -Les Georgiennes The Pretty Waters overhang the majestic Bay of Gelliceaux. It's on the only land it's ever owned

  The pretty Neo-Georgian waters overlook the majestic Bay of Gelliceaux. It is on the only land it has ever owned

The beautiful Neo-Georgian waters overlook the majestic Bay of Gelliceaux. It's on the only land she's ever owned.

  The turquoise waters of the magnificent Gelliceaux Bay of Mustique. Les Jolies Eaux was designed by theater designer Oliver Messel

  The turquoise waters of the beautiful Bay of Gelliceaux de Mustique. Les Jolies Eaux was designed by theater designer Oliver Messel

The turquoise waters of the beautiful Bay of Gelliceaux de Mustique. Les Jolies Eaux was designed by theater designer Oliver Messel

  Princess Margaret swimming in Mustique on vacation with her boyfriend Roddy Llewellyn in 1976

  Princess Margaret swimming in Mustique on vacation with her boyfriend Roddy Llewellyn in 1976 [19659006] at Mustique during the holidays with his boyfriend Roddy Llewellyn in 1976 </p>
<p clbad= But the first impression of the island by Princess Margaret, much more primitive than she is today. Now, she was far from perfect. She said it looked like Kenya and on her first trip, her new husband Antony Armstrong-Jones, and she was "burned … and sat in the scrub of mosquitoes."

Fortunately for Tennant and the future of the island, she soon fell in love with the place (alas, not so much Armstrong-Jones) and on the parcel of land overlooking the majestic Bay of Gelliceaux the Neo-Georgians The Pretty Waters were built.

The Queen has Balmoral and Sandringham as his vacation homes – Margaret just has The Beautiful Waters ("Beautiful Waters") – the only land she's ever owned.

Princess Margaret was the Meghan Markle of her day. She was the rebellious glamor queen, although unlike Meghan, Margaret was clinging to a security protocol cover.

The royal status of the queen's rock star gave Tennant a lot of effort, helping to support the influx of rich, famous and infamous. William stayed at The Cotton House, which was originally the counting house for merchants to inspect cotton ” clbad=”blkBorder img-share” />

<img id = "i-67323c755491b8ad" src = "https: // i .dailymail.co.uk / i / newpix / 2018/07/25/15 / 4E8DEEC600000578-5989799-image-a-11_1532528983520.jpg "height =" 641 "width =" 962 "alt =" William stayed at The Cotton House, which was originally the William stayed at the Cotton House, which was originally the counting house for merchants to inspect the cotton

  The Cotton House has 15 " Key ', consisting of three cottages, five beachfront rooms, six suites and a private residence.This is a view from the hotel to Endeavor Bay

 The Cotton House has 15' keys' , consisting of three cottages, five beachfront rooms, six suites and a private residence.This is a view from the hotel to Endeavor Bay

The Cotton House has 15 "keys", consisting of three cottages , this nq rooms by the sea, six suites and a private residence. This is a view of the hotel at Endeavor Bay

The Pretty Waters were – like many airy dwellings – designed by theater designer Oliver Messel (and Tony's uncle) Snowdon). The theatricality of the villa helped Margaret to present herself as the main lady of Mustique, although her taste for furnishings surprised the suburbs: she had a penchant for color fishing (the whole room was fishing) and the household items. The calendar of the princess on Mustique was invariable. Even at home she was not known to get up early, and on the island 11am was the time set to wake up, have a cup of coffee with the lady of honor and then venturing to the island's hotel, the Cotton House, for a cigarette

She would then go to the beach, dive into the sea for a very slow beating, her royal head too high as possible, with a member of his staff just behind: a routine I've always followed ineluctably – although my wife in waiting was my partner, but as he is a swimmer faster, it's a good thing. I followed him.

  Princess Margaret (holding a purse) and Mustique residents waiting for Queen Elizabeth II, During her West Indian jubilee tour in 1977

 Princess Margaret (holding the handbag) and the islanders on Mustique awaiting Queen Elizabeth II, during her tour of the West Indies in 1977

handbag) and the island residents on Mustique waitin g for salute Queen Elizabeth II during her tour of the West Indies in 1977

  Princess Margaret in the center and her friends Lord Colin Tennant and Lady Anne Tennant waiting on a jetty to greet the Queen (left)

 Princess Margaret in the center and her friends Lord Colin Tennant and Lady Anne Tennant waiting on a jetty to greet the Queen (left)

  The Queen is welcomed by Princess Margaret

 The Queen is welcomed by Princess Margaret

Margaret, at center, and his friends Lord Colin Tennant and Lady Anne Tennant wait on a jetty to greet the Queen (left). On the right, the Queen is greeted by Princess Margaret

Originally, The Cotton House was the counting house for merchants to inspect cotton but in its current incarnation as a hotel, also Designed by Oliver Messel, opened in 1970, it has 15 "keys", consisting of three cottages, five beachfront rooms, six suites and a private residence.

Today, most people believe that "luxury" is all that glitters, but nothing shines physically at the Cotton House – The impeccable service and hospitality offered by the exquisite staff and professional, impeccable accommodation and always delicious food from Chef Elio Debae.

Sitting enjoying a breakfast each morning at The Cotton House, looking at the simple charm of Endeavor Bay, we could It's easy to see why Margaret and many others come home once that's up. they quickly fell in love with the island landscape and the hard work that makes it even more appealing.

There are many people who would find the serenity and ease of living at the hotel less appealing than what some glitzy hotels would offer – but these are not the guys who come to Mustique.

  Since its original incarnation in the 50s, Mustique is still the same Caribbean eden for those who seek the ultimate (intangible) luxuries of indisputable privacy and uncompromising service, writes William

 Since his original incarnation in the 50s, Mustique is still the same Caribbean eden for those seeking the ultimate William

Since its original incarnation in the 50s, Mustique is still the same Caribbean paradise for those seeking luxury ultimate (intangible) of undisputed intimacy and uncompromising service and of irreproachable quality. wrote William

Observing the demographic of the guest that the island draws to the hotel's weekly beverage evening on Tuesday night (open to non-guest guests as well) were a good sport. Most were relaxed and well-off Westerners from Britain, North America and South Africa. There was little pretense and overt bravery – dare I say that there were tasteful connotations of that old British trait of calm, innocent and innocent superiority?

For yet happy and at peace the Royal Princess was on the island, Margaret's last trip to the island was poorly completed. In early 1999, she went to take her morning shower, but because of a still unknown problem with the plumbing, the hot water drawn from the bath faucets, crush on her feet, and the princess has collapsed, with water like lava still

Found by her cook, who still works today on the island, she soon refused to go to school. to have the medical care she really needed and, a few weeks later, the queen had to use Concorde for convalescence

Jolies Eaux was sold, in 1999, by her son, Viscount Linley, for 1.5 million pound sterling. Since its stay on the island, the four bedroom villa has been enlarged and now has seven bedrooms. It is available for rent for tens of thousands of dollars.

Mustique now belongs to a private company different from the original Tennant, although it still calls itself Mustique Company. He recently purchased the most popular bar on the island, Basil's, on Britannia Bay, which has just reopened after a complete renovation

Princess Margaret would be happy to know that her grand nephew and her wife, Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, who has repeatedly stayed on the island, maintains the royal bond with the British – and it is believed that they are there now, with their children Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.

Since its original incarnation in the 50s, Mustique is still the same Caribbean Eden for those who seek the ultimate (intangible) luxury of indisputable privacy and uncompromising service.

And the water of the bath faucets is just the right temperature.


The cotton house starts from £ 220 per person per night, based on two sharing on a B & B basis. Visit www.cottonhouse.net.

British still flies from / to London Gatwick and St Lucia every day. Return rates in World Traveler from € 542 per person. Visit ba.com.

Hopper Flights from St Lucia to Mustique £ 350 return.

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