The strongest man in Ireland won the title of the strongest man in the UK 2018


Pa O'Dwyer, the strongest man in Ireland for three years, has made his mark in international waters by winning the title of the strongest man in United Kingdom 2018 during the competition.

O 'Dwyer has dominated the Irish Strongman circuit in recent years, winning consecutively, and is now looking for more challenging challenges in the form of distant opponents.

The 32-year-old man boasted of his confidence in his abilities from the start, saying a few days ago that there would still be an Irishman on the podium.

The competition lasted three days in St Albans, just north of London, where competitors competed in fifteen tough events such as O 'Dwyer competed last year, placing third overall – a huge performance in itself.

This year, he triumphed in all categories, winning the truck's fastest spot. Shoot, and be one of only two

"I am delighted to announce that I am not the strongest man in the UK 2018. The first time this happens in Republic of Ireland, I am still in shock. "

He also thanked his friends, his team and his family for their unparalleled support.

The native of Limerick is no stranger to the idea of ​​winning seemingly impossible challenges. "Force, like a few months ago, he took first place in a deadlift event after raising a barely believable weight of 520 kg, which is more than half a ton and only 4 kg of the world record.

which is almost as incomprehensible as impressing.

Of course, nutrition is key when it to compete at this level. "Limerick Lion" knows it very well, because his diet sees him consume between 8 000 and 10 000 c alories a day.

The colossal diet, which sees O & # 39; Dwyer take away "up to 60 chicken fillets a week", allows the strong man to flip the tires and demolish the rocks with ease.

And we are almost sure that he also has a gym membership …

Congratulations, Pa!

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