"If you thought Donald Trump had already reached the summit of hypocrisy, I'm sorry to say you were wrong," commented Jimmy Kimmel during his Thursday night monologue.
On Wednesday, a day after explosive devices were sent not only to Hillary Clinton's home and Barack Obama's office, but also to CNN's offices in New York, Trump not only did as little as possible, but blame the media for "a very big part of the anger we see today in our society".
"Blaming the media for the bombs that were sent to them, it's like blaming the skyscrapers for September 11. It's mind-boggling," Kimmel said.
The last presenter of the series filmed Trump at a rally in Wisconsin on Wednesday, where the president called on the media to "give a civil tone and end the endless hostility and attacks constant negative and often false ".
All that Kimmel had to do, was to show a wall of Trump's constant attacks on Twitter against the media.
"These are just … hostility and fake attacks written by someone who must clearly pretend to be Donald Trump on Twitter," added Kimmel.
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