A Subreddit of the biggest fans of Thanos plans to ban half of its users


Thanos takes the tesseract for his own plans in Avengers: Infinity War.
Image: Marvel Studios

Because there must be a balance in all things, of course.

As you may have noticed, Thanos has built quite the fanbase since his turn of the stars Avengers: Infinity War . Some might be attracted to the Mad Titan more … physically shall we say, but others took it upon themselves to defend the film's Thanos terror plan in the name of their new problematic fave

You know, that plan. The one where Thanos decides that instead of using the vast powers altering the reality of Infinity Gauntlet to help the proliferation of renewable resources across the galaxy, he'll just dust off half of all the people of existence are left can … eventually rebuild up to this point and be reformed again? This is not the best plan! After all, he is the Crazy Titan . Not the logically sound Titan.

Although it's a bit strange that such an ardent fandom has dedicated himself to such a Malthusian mission, it's the Internet, the house of weird stuff – and we have so r / ThanosDidNothingWrong. The subreddit, created as a result of the liberation of Infinity War exceeded 300,000 subscribers in the last three months to celebrate Thanos. But as Polygon has noticed, given the rapid expansion of subreddit, he has become a meme among users that at some point half of subscribers should be banned, a random mbadacre of hundreds thousands of redditors in the name of a perfect balance. ] Again, however, it is the Internet, the house of strange things. So, after a few discussions with the directors of Reddit and a decision to delay the slaughter from today, July 4 (to prevent engineers from having a headache of thousands of missing users), it was decided that on July 9 A lot of rejoicing, despite the imminent ban of hundreds of thousands of users!

Since the subreddit has increased considerably since Polygon has highlighted this particularly devoted slice of Infinity War fandom this week, at the moment the 9th arrives around the random slaughter will be one of the largest mbad bans in the entire history of Reddit. And all this for the sake of one of Marvel's most intriguing villains. But hey, at least half of them will still exist afterwards, is not it?


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