Accepting that the season is over was "difficult" but I'll be back next year – Paul Conroy


Galway footballer Paul Conroy spoke after a sustained leg break against Kerry at the first Super 8 meeting this month, which ruled him out for the rest of the season. ;year.

Conroy faces nearly a year fibula in both legs and shin in the right leg also on July 15th.

The worst was feared because the 29-year-old man spent several minutes on the ground before being immediately transported to the hospital while the game was going on. The teammates then defeated the Kingdom and are now qualified for the semifinal of Ireland.

Addressing RTE Sport, Conroy revealed that he would agree that he will not play again this season was a hard pill to swallow and that he received excellent support on the terrain since the incident.

"Mentally, it was difficult but I accepted early in the week that I would not be involved in football on the field for the rest of the year," he said. he says.

"I have good people around me, a good family, good friends and a fiance who has taken good care of me … When you have good people, it helps

" You arrive at the last leg of the championship and these are the games you want to participate in. with – these high stakes games.

"I will do my best on the field to help guys, whether to do some badysis or stuff like that, I went to training last week, so that's all." was good to see them again and leave the sideline. "

Conroy, who previously led Galway, faces a similar challenge to Seamus Coleman in 2017 and will be inspired by the Irish defender's quick recovery and promises to come back in 2019.

"I would say nine" "I'll put it back, I'll work on it and I'll be back next year." Seamus Coleman had the same injury and he came back In advance, it would be good to get in touch with Seamus to see how his recovery and re-education went. "

The imposing midfielder is renowned for his physique and after slipping into a fair challenge with Sean O 'Shea, Conroy came out the worst. he focuses on what to expect after a successful operation.

"We both collided and got out worse, his knees slipped into my shin – my shin and my fibula, and I had a double fracture – a tibia fracture and a fracture of the fibula on the left leg

"In my right leg, there is a fracture in the fibula, I guess it is not too serious. on the other leg.

"I was operated on the left leg on Monday morning.I was asked a nail rod in the middle of the shin bone which is the main bone carrier.This was painful, but things are getting better. "

Conroy's teammates welcome Monaghan to Salthill this weekend with a draw to ensure they finish first in the Super 8 group Monaghan also needs a tie to qualify.

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