All San Diego systems, nowadays


Everyone seems to be comics surprises nowadays. Digital titles of Marvel such as Cloak and Dagger and Jessica Jones appear. Die! Die! Die! appears only in stores. And in San Diego Comic-Con, amid the covers of the variant, comes a brand new exclusive comic book from the universe CALEXIT located in San Diego.

CALEXIT: All Systems San Diego # 1 by Matt Pizzolo and Carlos Granda are published today at the show, all proceeds being donated to San Diego Rapid Response Network to help immigrants and their families in the border area of ​​San Diego.

On sale at the Black Mask 5536 booth at Comic-Con this weekend, it is also on Comixology, and may be through local comic book stores in the future.

Here are the covers for all Black Mask variant covers at the show …

Oh Sh # t Is Kim & Kim # 1
SDCC Cover exclusive of Michael Avon Oeming
Standard coverage limited to 74
Blanket limited to 25

Devil within # 1
SDCC Exclusive Cover of Emily Pearson
] Standard coverage limited to 74
Blanket limited to 25

CALEXIT Vol 1 paperback
SDCC Exclusive coverage of Amancay Nahuelpan
Limited to 200

CALEXIT: All Systems San Diego # 1
SDCC Exclusive Cover of Ben Templesmith
Standard Coverage Limited to 99
Blank Coverage Limited to 25

] [19659004] CALEXIT: All San Diego systems # 1
SDCC Exclusive Cover by Tyler Boss
Standard Coverage Limited to 199
Blank Coverage Limited to 66

CALEXIT: All San Diego Systems # 1 is a brand new CALEXIT story that takes place with new characters in San Diego

(Last update 19 July 2018 11:55 )

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