Barry McNamee assures Cork City fans that they are not thinking about their Europa League safety net


Barry McNamee Insists Cork City Are Not Thinking About Their Europa League Safety They Are Preparing for Their Tough Warsaw

If Cork Fails to Reel in Legia's 1-0 in their Champions League second leg clash on Tuesday, they will still parachute into the Europa League third qualifying round.

"It's one of the benefits," McNamee acknowledged.

"But we can put up a good account of ourselves that we can feel that we have a chance here.

"We showed that for almost 80 minutes how hard it is to break us down – it took a wonder strike to beat us

" if we get a chance we'll just take it this time. "

City had done their homework for last Tuesday's homepage.

Yet McNamee believes it can be different next time. [19659009] Read More

The Leesiders had identified a flaw in the make up of the Polish champions that they coul

And they almost did so at Turner's Cross when Michal Kucharczyk played the ball back to his own penalty area and

Unfortunately the train Derry City ace failed to take advantage

Cork's Barry McNamee and William Remy of Legia Warsaw

But his luck was not the only one that went a-begging before Kucharczyk's long-range stunner handed Legia a precious one goal advantage. [19659002] "It was down to things we worked on, like putting them under pressure," McNamee recalled.

"So we won back possession goal I didn

"I took a swing with the right foot and just did not connect with it. It was one of those ones.

"It was frustrating."

"It was frustrating. We knew that they were a very good goal and we would be up against it – and it was a great goal, we can not take away from the quality of the strike.

"But we're a bit disappointed because we have a couple of chances to go one or two up.

"They're a good outfit but we're not out of the tie – we'll go there and give it another go."

Michal Kucharczyk of Legia Warsaw celebrates the scoring of the winning goal

McNamee said that he had worked hard on their shape and shut up Legia.

"The one thing we didn ' "said the 26-year-old, who had Europa League experience previously with Derry.

" We'll learn from it, set out another game plan for next

"They're the best opposition I've played against, you can tell they've been in the Champions Cup group stages before."

"We knew the size of the club we were against the qua lity of the players – it's a step up in standard from anything we've played before. "

Legia have two Poland internationals back for the next day but McNamee is convinced there's a twist to come.

" It's going to

"If we get a set-piece or a counter-attack and can nick one, then you never know.

"We're definitely not going out there thinking that the tie is over, not by any stretch of the imagination".

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