Barry: Opening Páirc for Miller would be a "fantastic gesture"


Michael Moynihan

Cork legend Dave Barry says it would be "a fantastic move" if the GAA opened Páirc Uí Chaoimh for Liam Miller's tribute match

. has emerged that the GAA would not allow the Cork Stadium to be used for a charity fundraiser game for the benefit of Miller's family. The Irish international football, who played for Celtic and Manchester United, died in February and the tribute match, featuring many of his former teammates, is now scheduled for September at Turner & # 39. Cross.

"I was on the radio during the week anybody suggested using the Aviva, but that's not the goal," Barry said yesterday.

"It's a Cork event for a person from Cork." Roy Keane went to Cork from Russia to start this project, he's a Corkman.

[19659003] "Michael O 'Flynn to the organizing committee, another Corkman, the launch itself was held at Cork City Hall. "So it's a Cork event, but the goodwill that has been demonstrated is incredible, not just in Cork or Ireland."

"The people of Scotland and England, where Liam played, want to come to pay tribute to him,"

"The answer of the old players has been huge – the interest in the Event snowballed and the general public rowed a great deal behind him, I received phone calls During a distinguished sports career, Barry has enjoyed tremendous success through football and Gaelic football, winning senior football medals in Ireland with Cork and league titles with Cork City.

would be a fantastic move by the GAA to open Páirc Uí Chaoim h for the game. At the end of the day, this It's not a Champions League game or a qualifier for the Euros: it's a charity event.You talk about raising money for a family who has lost family support and who is in a dark place .

"It would be a nice gesture if these children could go out in n stage in their father's house and

"I am aware of GAA rules and the need to go to Congress to get permission for matches, and I know that all organizations need to rules, of course. " it's a fundraiser and not, as I said, a competitive match, so it should be accommodated. "

Barry also pointed to the support offered by Miller's former teammates to Manchester United.

been tremendously supportive of the event. I would say that some of them probably want to come see where Roy Keane grew up.

"It would be terrible if it would bring people like Rio Ferdinand and Paul Scholes through the Jack Lynch Tunnel. at Mayfield and they saw the Páirc and said, "Oh, is this where we play the game?" and to be told – no, there is a smaller place in town. & # 39;

"Just due to the Munster Football Association, there is no problem using Turner's Cross, but it would surely be better to have a bigger venue and greater participation."

He notes that he's not the only American football player to own a GAA: "Roy Keane linked to Mayfield GAA, Denis Irwin was an outstanding pitcher with the Barrs." Liam himself played with Éire Óg and won a Sciath na Scoil competition in the old Páirc Uí Chaoimh I would not want this to become a football issue against GAA because the people of Cork are steeped in both games – in all games.

"The GAA has paved the way in the past by inaugurating Croke Park a few years ago. and rugby, and I think they can do the same thing in this case. For me, however, it's not so much a sports issue as being generous with people who are in a dark place, the kind of dark place that visits all families in at one time or another.

For people who are having difficulties, it's something you expect, no matter the sport or the more general issues. The Irish are always generous in a situation like this, and you would like to see some of that generosity here too. "

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