Beyonce stayed on stage during her tour, and her answer is Beyonce's greatest thing – VIDEO


Just when you think her lifestyle is out of reach, Beyoncé is trapped on stage during her On The Run II tour due to a dysfunctional scene. She is literally rebaduring. Or, in this case, stuck only 20 feet above. Beyoncé typical, doing everything for the BeyHive.

The incident occurred in Warsaw, Poland on Saturday, when the 36-year-old played for a stop at the On the Run II tour, on which we are told a little-known rapper Jay-Z also played. According to the Daily Beast, Beyoncé uses a flight scene during the finale – when it works, it's a cool effect that allows her to hover over the audience, watching her dominance. But during this particular performance, the mechanism malfunctioned, and the singer Lemonade was stuck in the air with no way to disbademble.

This being Beyoncé, of course, crew members quickly mobilized. The show stopped (as planned), but the band continued to vamp for a while while the stage technicians produced a ladder from behind the scenes and leaned it against the platform. The Twitter user and fan of Beyoncé @onthegomez was at the show on June 30, near the action, and the images that she captured from the superstar who is waiting to see her. to be saved is too real.

During her career, in her words and actions, Beyoncé is an independent woman, used to doing things for herself. Having to wait on a broken platform to get off an old regular ladder in high heels is probably not the way she was expecting to finish her evening. Of course she plays with dance moves and blows kisses to her fans while waiting to ensure the safety of the ladder, but standing in her glittery bodysuit and waders, she seems to be delaying it. inevitable hopes that a better option will come

Just visible in the 18-second clip, there are five people trying to ease the release of this air platform, not to mention the # The star itself, which is about five times more people than usual on stage at a Beyoncé show. So, he must be quite discordant. If you have ever been trapped in a lift before, you will recognize the body language that is going on here – it's as if the elevator door finally opens up to a familiar place, the lobby of your building, except that it's full of unknown firefighters telling you what to do. Oh, and it 's at a concert in front of hundreds of screaming fans.

In a longer video taken by a fan named Kuba Kuca, we hear the crowd applauding its idol, chanting "Beyoncé! Beyonce! Beyonce! to try to push it down the ladder. The user has captioned the "You can do it!" a fan screams as the singer studies the scale, apparently seeking the best way to approach it. And after a few moments, all the encouragement seems to work. After a few missteps and with the help of many hands, the Grammy-winner gives what looks like a microphone, stands in the right direction and cautiously descends the stairs one by one.


And just like that, after about three minutes of video, all the test is over. The singer safely arrives on the floor, back to the stage level, and away. Whether it's to do a ritual after the concert or remind the rest of the machinery on stage that she's her overlord, that's not clear. But with many more stops on OTR II coming, these Polish fans may have already seized the most unexpected moment of the tour, with a reminder that the stars – they are really like us.

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