Buffy's new rebirth is not a reboot, will introduce a new killer


There is only one Buffy. Except, like, you count the movie. Last week, at the height of San Diego's Comic-Con, Fox dropped a bomb that a new Buffy Against Vampires was in the work, featuring a black woman in the lead role. The initial report said the show would be a reboot of the 90s television series but the showrunner Monica Owusu-Breen made a statement that looks like it's not at all the case.

Twitter Owusu-Breen tackled his own personal story with the television series Buffy before saying that the new show will introduce a new killer.

For some genre writers this is Star Wars .
Buffy Against the Vampires is my Star Wars . [19659005] Before becoming a writer, I was a fan. For seven seasons, I saw Buffy Summers grow up, find love, kill that love. I watched her fight, and fight and kill.

There is only one Buffy. A Xander, a Willow, Giles, Cordelia, Oz, Tara, Kendra, Faith, Spike, Angel … They can not be replaced. The brilliant and beautiful series of Joss Whedon can not be reproduced. I would not try to do it.

But here we are, twenty years later …
And the world seems a lot more scary.
So maybe, it might be time to meet a new Slayer …

And that's all I can say.

Basically, do not think "restart", think Buffy: The Next Generation . A renewal instead. (If they keep the name "Buffy" is another question of course.)

What, after all, makes sense in the fiction of Buffy anyway . There have always been multiple Slayers in the world of the show, destined to be the chosen fighter against darkness, transmitting this right to their death, until their own death and resurrection Buffy's lead to the awakening of many women with the potential to become Slayers. What does not mean that the future star of this new show Buffy is not just another of these potentialities, to finally take responsibility for her? -even?

Owusu-Breen adds that she can not further clarify about the show at this time, so we will have to wait until we learn more to see how this new series Buffy will unfold. But at least we know one thing: we can stop calling a reboot.

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