Catholic Church launch their own version of Pokemon Go where you have to find saints


It's called Follow JC Go!

Do you remember that period when it felt like you were constantly playing Pokemon Go?

Well it did not just feel like that …

At the time of writing, it has been downloaded around 800 million times and over $ 2bn in revenue since 2016.

So we're actually surprised it took a long time for someone to take the idea and run it.

We're even more surprised that it's the Catholic Church who have done so.

Follow JC Go !, is a new take on the game that allows players to catch saints or Bible characters instead of Pokemon.

The new game is the brainchild of Fundación Ramón Pane, a Catholic evangelical group, and actually sounds very similar to Pokemon Go.

You look at your smartphone in your surroundings, while the game adds digital characters, who looks like little saints.

You can also make your way through the game by answering religious questions when you meet a saint, and if you get the right questions, the holy join your team!

Sounds fun, and also really weird.

According to BBC, it launched in Spanish on October 19, with Italian, English and Portuguese versions expect soon.

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